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我们今天在游乐场上玩得很开心。We have a lot of fun at the fairground today.

游乐场给他们无穷的乐趣。The fairground affords them endless amusement.

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周末的时候,他常常会带我外出,去动物园或游乐场,我们总有很多的事情去做。At weekends, he often takes me out, go to the zoo or fairground.

迈克尔真棒,他的声音鸣彻全场。Michael came on, and that voice of his rang over the whole fairground.

有两三个可疑分子在集市上闲逛。There were two or three suspicious characters hanging about the fairground.

如果你失去了你的脚在一个怪物会场事故上周我很抱歉我缺乏机智。If you lost your foot in a freak fairground accident last week I apologize for my lack of tact.

节日场地风琴的制造在法国和德国这两个国家有着根深蒂固的传统。The construction of fairground organs has a deep-rooted tradition above all in France and Germany.

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对吸引力的衡量就像猜测露天游乐场中一个罐子里有多少糖果一样充满“技术性”。Measuring appeal is as exact a science as guessing the number of sweets in a jar at the fairground.

慕尼黑,来自泰瑞莎广场啤酒节上的行人在休息的时候接吻。Festival goers kiss as they take a break from Oktoberfest at the Theresienwiese fairground in Munich.

北部群聚以X13为中心,这个城镇比较不像是做为仪式中心的城镇,反而比较像一个市集地。The northern cluster is centered on X13, which is not a town so much as a ritual center, rather like a fairground.

的黎波里海滨游乐场的夜晚,凉风习习,孩子们坐在旋转的木马上,欢快的唱着。IN THE evening cool at a fairground on theTripoliwaterfront, giggling children chant as they spin on a merry-go-round.

阿森纳现今就像一台不断被打击的测力器一样。Arsenal are at risk of looking like a test-your-strength machine in a fairground as they are given repeated hammerings.

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舞台坍塌以后,成千上万的音乐爱好者们从露天广场被疏散,并撤离到附近的一个体育馆内。The collapse came as thousands of concert-goers were being evacuated from the fairground grandstand to a nearby coliseum.

或许上海比世界上任何城市都更像是一个未来大广场,即使在这个城市里没有喧闹的圆形广场。Perhaps more than any city in the world, Shanghai already resembles a futuristic fairground even when no circus is in town.

组织者首次划出了无烟区,并特意为儿童留出了有旋转木马的游乐场。For the first time, the organisers have set aside no-smoking areas and a special area with fairground rides will be reserved for children.

我们由衷地感到自豪的是我们能为铁路领域、城市广场和地下城市的建设作出贡献。We are proud that we can contribute to its development not only on the railway sector but also for the fairground and the underground city.

它是每年春季举行的世界上最大的博览会在德国汉诺威市举行,是一个晴雨表,最先进的信息技术。It is held each spring on the world's largest fairground in Hanover, Germany, and is a barometer of the state of the art in information technology.

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但如今,占星学不过是游乐场的游戏罢了,而天文学成为了必须指出其中区别的科学!Today though, astrology has turned into nothing more than a fairground act and astronomy has turned into a science having to point out the difference!

设计理念的独特性,广告以投币计次收费的精准性,有效填补了游乐场媒体巨大市场的空白。The unique design concept and the precise advertisement charge by measuring each coin-inserting effectively fills the gap of the huge fairground media.

我们自主研发的游乐场无币化管理系统的诞生,彻底取代了传统的金属代币和纸质彩票。With the innovative paperless management system for fairground invented and developed by us, traditional metal coins and paper currency is then replaced.