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他需要钱把他的地面铁路电气化。He needs money to electrify his surface lines.

电气化交通业,重造我们的电网Electrify transportation and re-invent our electric grid

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在中国,还有一部分人没用上电话。Be in China, still have one part person trashy electrify word.

我们要电动化交通行业。电动化。去掉汽油。We wanna electrify transportation. Electrify it. Get the gas out of it.

新疆警备总司令陶峙岳率部通电起义。Xinjiang police commander in chief TaoShiYue effort to electrify uprising.

使带电造成从精品选集,物体或者正文发展的电的电弧。Electrify creates arcs of electricity branching out from a selection, object, or text.

该公司预计,在全部完工后,每一个兆瓦级装机容量可以向650户家庭供电。The company calculates that at full output, each megawatt of installed capacity can electrify 650 homes.

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当然,杰克逊也可以使现场观众为他疯狂,但他真正的领地是电视屏幕。Certainly, Jackson could also electrify a live audience. His true canvas, though, was always the video screen.

我们准备通过5年努力让自然村通电话的问题得到解决。The issue that we plan to try hard to allow word of natural village electrify through 5 years gets settlement.

数据也强调了英国政府在局部铁路网中使用电力的计划将减少碳排放。The data also highlights how the UK government's plans to electrify parts of the rail network could cut emissions.

在长期不使用的情况下尤其在潮湿、高温季节,最好天天通电半小时。Be in especially below long-term unused circumstance damp, high temperature is seasonal, best everyday electrify half hours.

雷被触击的甲板将使你执行将使充电你的观众的迷惑和迷惑的卡片作用。The Thunder Struck deck will enable you to perform mystifying and bewildering card effects that will electrify your audiences.

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她灵巧的阅读休斯壮丽的话融合的方式与电气化和解除武装的紧迫现代响亮的传统。Her deft reading of Hughes's magnificent words blends stentorian tradition with urgent modernity in ways that electrify and disarm.

确认接线无误固定好灯体即可通电试功能,开门时阅读灯和照明灯应亮。Confirm connecting ok then fix the light body and electrify to test function, Reading lamp and head lamp lighten when open the car door.

断电可保持计数值,通电后继续计数,如达到计数次数,可通过清零按纽清零。Without electricity can keep count value, after electrify continue to count, such as frequency, can achieve count by reset button reset.

在他的支持中鲍威尔先生还补充说奥巴马的当选“不仅将使我们国家感到振奋,我认为它将使整个世界为之振奋。”In his endorsement, Mr. Powell added that an Obama election “will also not only electrify our country, I think it’ll electrify the world.”

当中午时分张先生打开拿出其中一个台灯,结果刚通上电源,就闻到一股的塑料烧焦的味道。Mr Zhang opens midday time in the center take out among them a desk lamp, the result just knew electrify cause, smell plastic scorched flavour.

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当重油油温低于40℃时,温度调节器WT触头自动切断燃烧控制系统,并使R指示灯通电报警。When heavy oil temperature below 40℃, temperature regulator WT contactor shut off combustion control system and electrify R indicator to alarm.

提出了一种统一的控制点火线圈通电时刻的优化方法,消除了点火分段控制带来的不利影响。A uniform method to control the electrify timing of the ignition coil is proposed, and it eliminates the disadvantages brought by ignition division.

随着铁路向电气化和高速化发展,铁道部为确保行车安全,对铁路电务设备的检测与维修提出了更高的要求。The railway is electrify and high-speed now, so ministry of railways has proposed an even higher demand on examination and repair to ensure driving safety.