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坎贝尔的指时钟越过自己的脸,他揭示了一天的时间。Sol's gnomon crosses his own face as he discloses the time of day.

它看起来象是一个小的指时针和在每个主要的轴向上的线的延伸。It appears as a small gnomon with lines extending in each major direction.

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说到底如果Gnomon不能够支持的项目是不可能发生的。Projects that, in the end, would not happen if Gnomon did not support them.

经过几次见面,Shane加入了Gnomon成为我们新的驻留艺术家。After a few meetings, Shane joined Gnomon as our new, and current, resident artist.

时针专业从事高端计算机图形娱乐行业的培训。Gnomon specializes in high-end computer graphics training for the entertainment industries.

你有任何类似这样的特别的例子帮助Gnomon或者你个人经验的吗?Do you have any specific examples how this has helped Gnomon or your own personal experience?

mon创办者Alex。你有任何类似这样的特别的例子帮助Gnomon或者你个人经验的吗?Do you have any specific examples how this has helped Gnomon or your own personing experience?

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今天,Gnomon工作室的项目一般都集中在内部项目上,大部分都只是为了好玩。Today the focus for Gnomon Studios is very much in the development of internal projects, mostly for fun.

基于你的在线活动和主持Gnomon工作坊的论坛,你有什么例子可以分享的吗?From your online activity, as well as hosting The Gnomon Workshop's own forum, do you have examples you can share?

我知道一些小的工作室认为自己被搁置是因为Gnomon出产作品了,但实际情况是我们没有抢他们生意。I know that some studios were a little put off by Gnomon getting into production, but the reality is that we are not.

欢迎指时钟车间,为在娱乐行业的艺术家和设计行业领先的专业培训。Welcome to The Gnomon Workshop, the industry leader in professional training for artists in the entertainment and design industries.

我喜欢论坛的则是比赛和挑战,这也是为什么这几年我主持Gnomon工作坊比赛。What I do love with forums, however, is contests and challenges which is why I've been running the Gnomon Workshop contests for the past few years.

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赤道式日晷,是古人利用太阳投影测时的科学仪器,由晷盘、晷针和底座组成。An equatorial sundial is an ancient scientific equipment to tell time by using the shadow from solar projection. It consists of a sundial plate, a gnomon and a base.

Shane给的项目现在正在进行,我们发展了一个雄心勃勃的角色——这个动画短片都是由各种各样的Gnomon的学生贡献他们的时间和才能制作的。Shane's project is ongoing as we develop this ambitious character-driven animated short with a variety of amazing Gnomon students contributing their talents and time.

经过一个夏天我开始探索Gnomon要如何在这样类似的项目上发展,结果Gnomon工作室这个想法就诞生了,一个新的独立公司。Over the summer I began to explore a new structure for how Gnomon could develop these types of projects, and the idea for Gnomon Studios, a new and independent company, was conceived.

每期在Gnomon有超过65个导师,都是来自洛杉矶的各个工作室,当学生毕业时候是拥有很大的关系网的。This is where Gnomon students have a huge advantage. With over sixty-five instructors every term at Gnomon, all coming from studios around Los Angeles, students graduate with a huge network.

日晷由锡青铜铸造,其铸造技术的关键是防止大平面的变形和保证良好的充型以获得完整、清晰的表面。The key issues for bronze gnomon casting with integrated and clear surface in investment casting in plaster mold involves to prevent large plate from deformation and to ensure full mold filling.