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这本书是百科全书。The book is encyclopedic.

一部全新的中型小百科词典。A brand new medium-sized encyclopedic dictionary.

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你的英语知识,似乎太渊博了。Your knowledge of the English language is seemingly encyclopedic.

他是一个博闻强识的人,可以胜任这份工作。Possessing encyclopedic knowledge, he is fully capable of doing this job.

在实现语篇隐性连贯的众多手段之中,百科信息就是其一。Among the many devices to realize textual coherence, encyclopedic information is one.

她曾经平静整个人群的NBA比赛与她的百科篮球知识。She once calmed the entire crowd of an NBA game with her encyclopedic basketball knowledge.

莱昂纳多在环境方面的广博知识和对于环保的耐久力赢得了大家的一致赞扬。DiCaprio has won acclaim for his encyclopedic knowledge of the environment and sustainability.

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我绝不认为人类的知识能够浓缩到用300万篇百科全书式文章就能描述完整。I certainly hope humanity can't be distilled into three million articles of encyclopedic knowledge.

他们要整理柏拉图的对话录作为教学录,当著是百科全书的基础。They wanted to organize Plato's dialogues as pedagogy and as the matrix for encyclopedic knowledge.

例如,字典模块可以用来查词语的意思,维基模块用来查询百科信息。Examples of modules are a dictionary module for word explanation and Wikipedia for encyclopedic reference.

在推理过程中,读者的语言知识、百科知识及推理能力三者相互作用,缺一不可。During the readers, reader s linguistic knowledge, encyclopedic knowledge and inferential ability are interactive.

网站提供了像百科全书一样丰富的疾病目录和症状指标,可以让你了解造成额头疼痛可能的原因。The site offers an encyclopedic index of diseases and a symptom checker to see what that forehead pain could mean.

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百科知识是这一过程的重要参与因素,它以图式的形式储存在人脑长时记忆中。Psychologists use the term -schema to describe the structure of encyclopedic information stored in long-term memory.

收藏着包罗万象的艺术品的百科全书式博物馆不赞同这种狭隘的文化定义。With the diversity of art in their collections, encyclopedic museums argue against this narrow definition of culture.

这个过程根据词汇信息,逻辑信息和百科信息中开展进行。This process is carried on according to the source lexical information, logical information, and encyclopedic information.

此书充满了激情与兴奋,对乔布斯取得所有的成就进行了百科全书般的细致梳理。Here is an encyclopedic survey of all that Mr. Jobs accomplished, replete with the passion and excitement that it deserves.

也许,那是我们每个人在辛普森一家的一大堆缺点中看到了我们自己的影子。Perhaps it's that we each see a little bit of ourselves in the Simpson patriarch's encyclopedic collection of character flaws.

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虽然新闻对百科全书是有用的资料来源,大部分新闻并不值得自己的条目。While news coverage can be useful source material for encyclopedic topics, most newsworthy events do not qualify for inclusion.

通常,一个数据集会包含某一领域的知识,比如书籍、音乐、百科全书式的数据、以及公司等。Typically, a data set contains knowledge about a particular domain, like books, music, encyclopedic data, companies, you name it.

该艺术家创作了许多含义复杂的油画,本作品就是其中一个代表,反映了艺术家对土著文化有着百科全书般广博的认识。The complexity of the painting, one of many produced by this artist, gives further evidence of his encyclopedic cultural knowledge.