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他统治下的加洛林王朝被认为是罗马文明的重生。The Carolingian empire was considered a rebirth of the culture of the Roman Empire.

查理一世的种种努力创造了欧洲历史上重要的“加洛林文艺复兴”。The result of Charlemagne's efforts is ususlly called the "Carolingian Renaissance".

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其子查理曼征服整个高卢,并把势力延伸到日耳曼及意大利。Under Pippin's son Charlemagne, the Carolingian realm was extended into Germany and Italy.

学习如何把这种免费的视频剪辑从书法专家加洛林字母表。Learn how to write the Carolingian alphabet from a calligraphy expert in this free video clip.

加洛林文艺复兴是中世纪文明发展史上的一个重要阶段。The Carolingian Renaissance was a significant period in the development of the civilization in the Mid-Ages.

德国中西部城市,位于科隆西南,是加洛林文化的一个中心,人口84,'3。A city of west-central Germany southwest of Cologne. It was a center of Carolingian culture. Population, 84, '3.

德国中西部城市,位于科隆西南,是加洛林文化的一个中心,人口84,631。A city of west-central Germany southwest of Cologne. It was a center of Carolingian culture. Population, 84,631.

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在9世纪时加洛琳王朝宫殿的遗址上,14世纪时成为自由帝国城市。On the site of a 9th-century Carolingian palace, it became a free imperial city in the 14th century. Population, 110,666.

一种表现教堂外立面交叉特征的垂直方向上的要素,自卡洛林王朝时代开始运用。A vertical element marking the crossing on the exterior of churches, beginning with the Carolingian period and thereafter.

在西欧文化史中,“加洛林文艺复兴”所扮演的承上启下的作用,为欧洲以后的复兴奠定了坚实的基础。In short, Carolingian Renaissance bridged the preceding and the following, and laid a solid foundation for the subsequent renaissance.

法兰克王国在加洛林王朝的查理大帝时,国势极为强盛,以罗马帝国的正统自居,并得到教会的支持。Carolingian Frankish kingdom of Charlemagne, the national power is very strong, orthodox Roman Empire itself, and with the support of the church.

它们在加洛林文艺复兴的舞台上发生融合与质变,构成了中世纪文明的雏型。After a series of infusions and changes on the stage of the Carolingian Renaissance, the three sources eventually developed into the prototype of the newly medieval civilization.

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加洛林王朝时期的政教联盟强化了基督教的政治作用,使基督教不仅作为一种信仰,而且还作为一种政治理论成为中世纪的主要意识形态。The alliance of temporal power and ecclesial power in Carolingian time enhanced the political function of Christianity, and made it not only a faith, but a dominant political theory.

公元911年,东法兰克帝国的末代皇帝卡洛林死后无嗣,法兰克公爵康拉德一世被选为国王,东法兰克帝国开始向德意志帝国过渡。In the year 911, East Frank's The Last Emperor Carolingian Empire after the death of free people, Frank Kent Conrad I was elected King, Frank East Empire began the transition to the German Reich.