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内蒙古马先蒿属一新变种。A new variety of Pedicularis from Nei Mongol.

见NEI关于新建核电厂状况的列表。See an NEI table on new nuclear plant status.

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属于林内乡的诗人有林正立与许绍明等人。The poets from Lin Nei Village were Lin Cheng-li, and Hsu Shao-ming.

内蒙古紫堇属植物的分类与分布。Classification and distribution of the genus Corydalis Vent. in Nei Mongol.

内蒙古白头翁属植物的分类及其生态地理分布。Classification and eco-geographical distribution of the genus Pulsatilla Adans. in Nei Mongol.

回顾了内经学概念的提出及学科建立,探讨了内经学建立的重要价值。The bring-up and foundation of Nei Jing discipline were reviewed, and its great value was explored.

对内蒙古金陶公司矿石进行矿石性质和工艺矿物鉴定研究。Identification of ore property and technological minerals of Nei Monggol Jintao Company were conducted.

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这样的研究在过去的二人台的研究资料中笔者还不曾见到有人涉及。Such researches in the last A popular Nei Monggol song-and-dance duet of data have never been involved.

本校位于嘉义县六脚乡湾内社区,湾内社区由湾南、湾北两村所组成。WNPS is located in the Wan Nei community of Lioujiao Township, which is formed by Wan Nan and Wan Pei Villages.

“仁”是孟子政治思想的核心,他继承并发展了孔子的“内圣”思想。"Benevolence" is the core of Mencius political thought. He inherits and develops Confucius "Nei Sheng" thought.

内蒙古东北部地处西伯利亚板块南缘,南与中朝板块相邻。The northeast of Nei Mongol is located in the fringe of the Siberia plate and adjacent to the Sino Korean plate.

本文指出内蒙古是我国白头翁属植物集中分布的地区。In this paper, it is indicated that Nei Monggol area is the distributional center of the genus Pulsatilla in China.

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在内经说这段话的意涵大概可以简述为少阴病的发展过程可以从本或从标。In "Nei Jing", it means the development process of Shao Yin disease occurs from the symptoms or from the root cause.

内蒙东部盆地群是发育在海西褶皱基底上的中新生代断陷盆地。The basin group in the east part of Nei Monggol are Middle Cenozoic fault-depressed basins developed on Hercynian basement.

内蒙古大青山及其毗邻的呼和浩特断陷盆地是研究剥蚀和地壳均衡隆起的理想地区。The Daqingshan Mountains and its adjacent Huhehot fault basin, Nei Monggol, are the ideal area to study denudation and uplift.

内蒙古毛莨属的植物区系与我国东北和蒙古的毛莨属植物区系有着密切的联系。The flora of the plants of Ranunculus genus in Nei Mongol is closely related to that of Northeast in our country and Mongolia.

内蒙古高原东南部森林草原过渡带位于中国东部季风气候尾闾区,是全球变化研究的关键区域。The woodland_steppe ecotone in the southern Nei Mongol Plateau is located at the northern edge of the east Asian monsoon influences.

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尽管如此,二人台仍面临着剧本老化、新人匮乏的困境,面临着生存危机。Nevertheless, A popular Nei Monggol song-and-dance duet still face difficulties about plays aging, lack of new, and faced with crisis.

救援人员表示,煤矿坑道内瓦斯浓度过高阻碍了救援工作的进行,被困矿工生还的可能性很小。Rescuers said the high concentration of coal mine tunnel Nei Wasi hampered rescue work carried out, the trapped miners alive are slim.

备忘录扼要地归纳了自全国电力协会年会以来发表过的有关“自由之友”和乔戈斯?阿香博的全部资料。The memo contained a summary of all information, published since the NEI convention, about Friends of Freedom and Georgos Archambault.