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只留在这里我昏沉的躯体.Stay murky body , I of here , only.

阴沉的水可以飞费希尔的朋友。The murky water can be a fly fisher's friend.

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中国的居民消费支出数据统计有出入,这人所共知。China's consumer-spending data are notoriously murky.

她的声音好像是从她那座椅后最黑暗的深处传过来的。Her voice came from the murky darkness around her chair.

在昏暗的光线下我看不清房子的门牌号。I couldn't make out the house number in the murky light.

国国内债券市场是个让人摸不着头脑的“在建工程”。China's domestic bond market is a murky work-in-progress.

但是在如此阴暗的海底,想要得到一张清晰的图像是非常困难的。But in the murky depths it is hard to get a clear picture.

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在马尼拉湾2010年3月21日的浑水一个男孩游泳。A boy swims in the murky waters of Manila Bay March 21, 2010.

一个月后的某一天,你正在天昏地暗地睡懒觉。A month later, one day, you're a murky sky over a dark earth sleep.

浑浊的棕色河水已经升到屋顶,拍打着高楼大厦。Murky brown water grows to roof tops and lapped around the high-rises.

事实上,美国的资本税与其用于没收充公,不如说其使用含混不明。In fact, America's taxation of capital is more murky than confiscatory.

他做这些选择的原因我们一直不太清楚——实际上是完全不清楚。The why of these choices is often not clear — actually downright murky.

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但是昨天,远一点的高楼大厦大多消失在一片黄黄的霾雾之中。But yesterday, a murky yellow haze swallowed many of the distant tower blocks.

他建议投资者利用期权工具在不确定的市场中进行短期押注。He also advocates turning to options to make shorter-term bets in a murky market.

和许多其他交易一样,马利从这些租约里赚到的钱仍然不清楚。As with many of the deals, the money Mali might earn from the leases remains murky.

但在这个混沌的世界,情报和宣传可以轻易地互换。But in this murky world, intelligence and propaganda easily become interchangeable.

请谨记即使事情看起来阴云密布和朦胧不清,你也会一直知道要做什么。Remember that even when things seem cloudy and murky you will always know what to do.

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这里的水黝暗少鱼,而且你必须躲避香蕉船和水上摩托车。The water is murky and short of fish and you have to dodge banana boats and jet skis.

短吻鳄在浑水中靠吃些腐坏的食物过活,但它们极少被感染,而且有病也痊愈的很快。Alligators heal fast, rarely get infections, and survive in murky water on diseased food.

即使其坚固的支持者也认为对外界而言其利益运作是不透明的。Even its staunchest supporters would accept that its interests appear murky to outsiders.