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每晚闪电都会使这里干枯的树木化为灰烬。Descendent lightnings transforms dry trees into ashes every night.

李白为凉式昭王李暠之孙李重耳的后裔。Li Bai is the descendent of Li Chong'er, grandson of Li Hao, King Liang Wuzhao.

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泰雅族后代努力保存泰雅传统文化。And an Atayal tribe descendent revives the tradition and culture of the Atayals.

但是,没有证据表明圣诞树是一种直接后裔的圣诞节树。But there is no evidence that the Christmas tree is a direct descendent of the Yule tree.

刘备,是汉朝中山靖王刘胜的后代。One was Liu Bei, a descendent of Liu Sheng, Prince Jin of Zhongshan during the Han Dynasty.

陶寺晚期文化偏晚阶段遗址为有唐氏遗民所居的村落。The site belonging to the late Taosi culture is the dwelling village of Youtao descendent tribe.

将巡览器重新定位到下一个相符的内容节点或属性并且略过已筛选的节点。Repositions the navigator to the sibling matching content node or descendent and skips over filtered nodes.

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另外,绑定派生类不会专门化其从其它地方继承的方法。In addition, binding descendent classes does not specialize their methods that are inherited from elsewhere.

同样,您几乎总是在子代方法主体的开始或结束部分调用超类方法。Likewise, you almost always call a superclass method at either the start or end of a descendent method body.

对于自诩为80年代篮球的直接传承者的科比来说,他有着他所崇尚的一条通往伟大的道路。For Bryant, who considers himself a direct descendent of the basketball ’80s, there’s a passage to greatness.

比如说,微软的.NET中的LINO系统是函数编程技术的直接产物。For example, the LINQ system in Microsoft’s .NET is a direct descendent of functional programming techniques.

玛丽也是最后一位伟大的黑鹰酋长的后代他是著名的战士也是运动员。Mary was also a descendent of the last great sauk and fox chief black hawk who was a famous warrior and athlete.

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张克士是中国人的后代,但故土的文化对他来说是那么陌生而新鲜。Although Chris is a descendent of Chinese family, the culture of his native land is so unfamiliar and fresh to him.

南方古猿非洲种是Lucy早期的后裔,生活在距今200万到300万年前的南非。A. africanus was an early descendent of Lucy and lived in Southern Africa between 2 million and 3 million years ago.

更何况,联盟军的指挥官正是阿拉希最后的血脉——安度因·洛萨。In particular, the commander of the Alliance forces was Lord Anduin Lothar, who was the last descendent of the Arathi bloodline.

例如在日耳曼语强动词中的元音变换是印欧动词变形范例的直接派生。The vowel change in the Germanic strong verb, for example, is the direct descendent of that which we saw in the Indo- European verb paradigm.

但是,新来的非白人移民和原有的英国白人在文化和社会生活方面产生了种种冲突。Zadie Smith is just a descendent of the first generation of post-war immigrants and her White Teeth reflects immigrants' dilemmas in British society.

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而朱成碧,居然是中国五大神秘家族之一“屠龙术”朱家的后裔。However, Zhu Chengbi is actually a descendent of Zhu's Family, which owns Dragon killing skill, and is one of the five most mystical families in ancient China.

提出了利用敏感区域改进双快速行进法与利用能量衰减方程除去区域间耦合的图象分割新方法。A new image segment method was proposed based on improved dual fast marching method by sensitive region and energy descendent equation to decrease the coupling of regions.

朱成碧作为屠龙术朱家的传人,能否逃脱千年前就注定的被献祭青龙的宿命?As the descendent of Zhu's Family which owns Dragon killing skill, could Zhu Chengbi get rid of the fate to be sacrificed to the black dragon, which is predestined thousands year ago?