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这只是一个简单的图形控制。It's just a simple graphical control.

将图形界面转化成代码。Converting the graphical work into code

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用来以图形形式显示利用情况的统计信息。ntop, for graphical utilization statistics

不要为该客户端设置图形控制台。Don't set up a graphical console for the guest.

使用图形界面上的菜单和键盘快捷键。By using graphical menus and keyboard shortcuts.

是一个编辑磁盘分区的图形工具。Gparted is a graphical tool to edit disk partitions.

我给你们一个简单的图示。I tried to give you a simple graphical representation.

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是图形用户界面,,But,GUI,,graphical,user,interface,,kind,of,said,两种都需要使用VB才能实现。GUI a graphical user interface, two using Visual Basic.

我们还没有,从构图的出发点来研究。I have not talked about it from a graphical standpoint.

模拟实时合成器图形化设计工具。The analog real-time synthesizer graphical design tool.

S-T分析是一种以图形的方法表示教学过程的分析法。The S-T analysis is a graphical approach to teaching process.

分析是一种以图形的方法表示教学过程的分析法。The S-T analysis is a graphical approach to teaching process.

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这个客户机还提供了完整的图形化工具。This client also includes the full gambit of graphical tools.

使用箭头图标来增加链接的可点区域Use graphical arrows to increase the target size of the links.

每个国家都有一个图形描述其发展的道路。Every country has a graphical path that describes its development.

如果它们没有被识别的话,您可以使用图形磁盘工具来启用它们。If they are not, you can enable them using the graphical disks tool.

它还为这些概念提供可方便区分的图形符号。It also provides distinctive graphical notations for these concepts.

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使用图形用户界面,您可以检索到同样的结果。You can retrieve the same results using the graphical user interface.

读出能够在既数字又图形的格式。The read-out can be presented in both numerical and graphical formats.

首先,它使用了新的Plymouth图形启动系统。It starts with the boot-up with the new Plymouth graphical boot system.