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我没有要申报纳税的东西。I have nothing to declare.

什么时候我们能宣布胜利?When do we declare victory?

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我没有要申报的东西。I havent nothing to declare.

你有什么东西要申报吗?Have you anything to declare?

重量据发货人报称。Weight as declare by shipper.

我有一些东西需要申报。I have a few things to declare.

我们首先声明一些变量。We first declare some variables.

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你有什么东西需要报关的吗?Have you got anything to declare?

你有什么东西要报关吗?Do you have anything to declare. ?

本人特此宣布你们结为夫妇。I hereby declare you man and wife.

我郑重申明我现在是单身状态。I. I declare that I am not married.

你没向他们申报这台电视机吗?。Didn't you declare the TV set to them?

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我认为,这座图书馆是无穷无尽的。I declare that the Library is endless.

何时,都要将所犯规申报。Declare all your own fouls, at all times.

我会没有爱的勇气交出去。I will never love the courage to declare.

申请报告有你没太明确是否需要申报的东西。Please declare anything you're unsure of.

乙别无选择只能宣告破产。B had no choice but to declare bankruptcy.

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考虑到这些方面,我宣布二者在这一回合中打成平手。In this respect, I declare this one a tie.

首先我声明我个人兴趣所在。First, let me declare my personal interest.

我没什么要申报的。I need to declare some Chunghwa cigarettes.