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止住内心的想法,他轻喃出口。Live endocentric perspective, he light Nan backup.

因此向心结构也叫做中心结构。Hence an endocentric construction is also known as a headed construction.

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这里,我们有幸最先跟安娜高美进行了对话,来捕捉她内心的艺术世界。Here, we are lucky to first carry on dialogue with Anna Chromy, catch her endocentric of art world.

偏心性斑块血清分泌型磷脂酶A2、高敏C反应蛋白水平较向心性斑块高。The blood level of sPLA2 and hs-CRP in the patients with eccentricity plaque is higher than endocentric plaque.

林跃已经无法压制住内心的怒火了,腾地一下从椅子上站了起来。Lin Yue has already canned not suppress an endocentric fury, the Teng ground stands from the chair always of a sudden.

向心结构与离心结构是结构主义的重要概念,在中国语言学界的影响极为深远。Endocentric construction and exocentric construction are two fundamental concepts of structuralism and have been influential among Chinese linguists.

作为美国结构主义语言学理论的两个基础概念,“向心结构”和“离心结构”首先由布龙菲尔德提出,后由霍凯特加以改进。Being two fundamental concepts of Stmcturalism, "endocentric structure" and "exocentric structure" were first proposed by Bloomfield, later improved by Hockett.

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另一方面,庞德强调或调整了一些意象,它们表现了内在动力和具有向心关系的意念辐射群。On the other hand, in Pound's emphasizing or adjusting, some images in Cathay can impress readers with the implied energy and radiant cluster of endocentric relations.

但向心结构和离心结构的理论区分因先天不足,后来的语言研究者对此区分提出了很多争议。Later researchers amused a lot of controversy about the distinction of "endocentric structure" and "exocentric structure" due to their inherent limitation of definition.

这是发自他内心的情感表述,你在他的心里已刻下了一个烙印,无论以后怎样,他的生命里永远有你的一个记忆碎片。This is the hair endocentric the emotion from him expressed, you had already engraved in his in the mind under a branding, regardless later how, have you forever in his life of a memory fragment.