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她很快就学会了撑方头平底船。She soon learned to punt.

踢球员将在第四次进攻机会时弃踢。The kicker will punt at fourth down.

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路平均每平底船坚实的44码。Way averaged a solid 44 yards per punt.

这是个比较大的问题,我先不来回答这个问题。Big question, and I’m going to have to punt on the answer.

啊,又踢了?梅儿,这可真是幸苦你了。And then punt?Plum son, this be the bitterness luckily you.

后来,有人赞蒋琬“宰相肚里能撑船”。"Later, it was praised Jiang Wan, " the prime minister goes to punt.

至于牛津的方头平底船是否需要类似的改头换面,仍然要审慎评估。It remains to be seen whether the Oxford punt will get a similar makeover.

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我以为他就是我梦中情人,但我现在才发现,他不过是个又笨又老的家伙。I thought he was my dreamboat, but now I realize, he's just a silly old punt.

他接住对方的弃踢球,成功达阵,取得了制胜得分,此时比赛只剩最后一分钟。He caught a punt and scored the winning touchdown, with a minute left to play.

但是,这一次上次意识到,上帝又开始了下注了。But this time God realizes--and again this is where God's got to punt all the time.

巨人队率先发球,但是三次发球失败后被迫弃踢。The Giants won the coin toss, but were forced to punt after they went three-and-out.

过去两个赛季,他连续入选全明星阵容,并且创造了平均每次弃踢43.47码的球队纪录。He made the Pro Bowl the past two seasons and has a club record 43.47 yards per punt.

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行了。所以,实际上你可以把宝宝踢下楼梯,他甚至不知道。OK. So you can actually punt your baby down the stairs, he wouldn't even know the diff.

幸好平底船还能漂浮,于是他便抓住一根柳树枝,将船靠向小岛。Luckily the punt drifted so that he could catch hold of a willow bough , and pull to the island.

欢迎您使用易天梭拉蓬天花,本产品在中国已申请了专利权。Welcome you to use ane-Tiansuo la punt ceilings, this product in China has applied for a patent.

意在赚取回报的私人投资者和主权财富基金,可以根据自己的喜好投资。Private investors, and sovereign wealth funds out to make returns, can punt their money on what they like.

利物浦把赌注押在免费签下实力不俗的波尔多前锋查马克。Liverpool have taken a punt on the free-transfer signing of highly regarded Bordeaux striker Marouane Chamakh.

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在朋友把自己弄生气时,我们要学会宽容,正所谓“宰相肚里能撑船。”Himself get angry at a friend's, we have to learn tolerance, are the so-called "prime minister which goes to punt."

史密斯在布法罗比尔主要担任弃踢回攻手,平均每次弃踢回攻13.2码,并有一次弃踢回攻达阵。Smith was primarily used as a punt returner with the Bills, averaging 13.2 yards. He also returned one punt for a touchdown.

观赏羽毛飞你踢家禽目标与欢闹的结果在此独家免费手机游戏的基础上寓言二。Watch the feathers fly as you punt poultry at targets with hilarious results in this exclusive free mobile game based on Fable II.