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任务火急。The task is pressing.

马丁逼刘易斯逼得很紧。Martin's pressing Lewis.

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这个就是压榨机。This is a pressing machine.

把双翅紧紧压在身侧。My wings pressing close to my side.

向嘴角伸长你的舌头顶住压舌器。pressing against a tongue depressor.

敌军在发动强袭。The enemy army is pressing an attack.

请不要因此而揉搓或按压您的眼睛。Avoid rubbing or pressing on your eye.

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安娜贝利说,按下了按钮。Annabel said, pressing the time button.

我拿它来把我的练习本压压平。I need it for pressing my exercise book.

卡夫方面表示这场收购还在紧急进行中。Kraft says it is pressing on regardless.

我有更紧迫的事情要做。I have more pressing things to attend to.

他和他的团队应该继续施压。He and his team will have to keep pressing.

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按依次M键后,转换小时或分钟。Hour or minute after pressing "M" key once.

要小些。It's not pressing against as much pressure.

你是用向下按弦来产生颤音吗?GW Do you generate vibrato by pressing down?

请注意,按F1应该暂停比赛。Note that pressing F1 should pause the game.

媒介素养课程是一项迫切的需要。Classes in media literacy are a pressing need.

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敌人围上来了,我们怎么办?The enemies are pressing in. What shall we do?

窗外夜色渐浓。The night was pressing up against the windows.

他们正在敦促我们迅速做出决定。They are pressing us to make a quick decision.