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它是一个乘船卡。It is an embarkation card.

通过登艇甲板进救生艇。Enter lifeboats over embarkation deck.

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请问上船前需要兑换好美金吗?Should I exchange U. S. dollars before embarkation?

假如你不介意,可以看一下你的搭机卡吗?If you don't mond, would you show me your embarkation card?

放下一号艇到登艇甲板并报告。Lower No. 1 lifeboat alongside embarkation deck and report.

请再给我一张旅客出境登记表好吗?Plese give me an embarkation card and custom declarario form.

由于引航员登船,备车锚链缩短至2节。Stand-by engine and shorten chain to 2 shackles for pilot embarkation.

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如在登船时您不能提供此表单,您将被拒绝登船。Boarding will be denied if these forms are not presented at time of embarkation.

旅客和船员们!跟随救生艇员到登艇甲板的救生艇站。Passenger and crew! Follow the lifeboat-man to the lifeboat stations on the embarkation deck.

除了“上船容易下船难”的原因,有一个细节也许可以对此做出注解。In addition to the "embarkation easily put it, " because this may make a detailed explanation.

在现在的游轮上,你上船二十四小时以内就会接受救生艇训练。On today's cruise ships, you have to have a lifeboat drill within twenty-four hours of embarkation.

请确保在离开酒店前领取您的登船证,印度尼西亚出境卡和新加坡入境卡。Please ensure that your boarding passes and embarkation cards are collected before departure from the resort.

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乘船点距离丹东市区大约20分钟的路程,似乎是边界上无人值守的地区。The embarkation point was about 20 minutes north of downtown Dandong, along a seemingly unguarded part of the border.

如有乘客因未能遵守上述出入境规例而导致未能离境者,所缴之费用概不退还。Strictly NO REFUND will be made when passengers are denied embarkation for non-compliance of the above immigration requirements.

同时他印了很多有教育意义的小册子,和文学书籍,在美国部队由美国上船以前,即行散发。At the same time educational pamphlets and literature were distributed to American troops before their embarkation from the United States.

希腊中东部维奥蒂亚洲的一个古老港口,据传说,在特洛伊战争期间它是古希腊船队的出发点。An ancient port of east-central Greece in Boeotia. According to tradition, it was the embarkation point for the Greek fleet during the Trojan War.

船边交货。卖方将货物交到相应码头或装船港口堆场,买方承担装载风险和费用。FAS Free Alongside ship. Seller delivers goods to appropriate dock or terminal at port of embarkation and buyer covers costs and risks of loading.

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是古代贸易中心,与地中海东部地区有贸易往来,中世纪时是十字军登陆的地方。It was an ancient center of trade with the eastern Mediterranean and an embarkation point for the Crusaders during the Middle Ages. Population, 88,947.

请出示您的返程船票,入境卡和船票预定确认单,我们的员工将会在您出发前帮您办理好登船证。Please hand your ferry tickets, embarkation cards and confirmed reservation form to our banquet coordinator for the processing of your return journey boarding passes.

第三条旅客在航空器内或上下航空器过程中死亡或受伤,承运人应当承担赔偿责任。Article 3 The carrier shall be liable for compensation in the event of death or injury sustained by a passenger on board an aircraft or in the course of embarkation or disembarkation.