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挖了一堆大屠杀受难者出来?Dig up lots of massacre victims?

当年在那礼拜堂里也有过一番屠杀。A massacre took place in the chapel.

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一般称这个血案为“一二一惨案”。This became known as the Tsinan Massacre.

今夜,在梅阿查屠杀AC米兰。Tonight, AC Milan at the Giuseppe Meazza massacre.

没有大屠杀或谋杀或灭种。There is no massacre or mass killings or genocides.

但天意并没有让他屠杀自己的人民。But divine will did not tell him to massacre his own people.

这次大屠杀是当今最令人发指的事件之一。This massacre is one of the towering obscenities of other time.

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泰国法政大学屠杀发生在1976年10月6日。The Thammasat University Massacre took place on October 6, 1976.

我们可能无法阻止所有惨案或任意枪案的发生。We may not be able to prevent every massacre or random shooting.

多年来,苏联的宣传机构一直栽赃纳粹德国。For years, Soviet propaganda blamed the massacre on Nazi Germany.

冯尼格不想为读者讲述德累斯顿大屠杀的过程。Vonnegut prefers not to make a narrative of the Dresden massacre.

也不能在互联网上检索「天安门大虐杀」。"Tienanmen massacre" cannot be retrieved on the Internet in China.

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地震、交通事故、大屠杀的死亡人数。The death-toll in the earthquake, on the roads, after the massacre.

莫非他企图把大伙都一网打尽来给他儿子报仇?Was he attempting to prepare a wholesale massacre to avenge his son?

15年过去,这场大屠杀的惨景还萦绕在欧洲大陆上空,成为欧洲人挥之不去的耻辱记忆。Fifteen years on, haunting images of the massacre that shamed Europe.

下周将是斯雷布列尼察大屠杀16周年纪念日。It is 16 years ago next week that the Srebrenica massacre took place.

在巴比雅大屠杀是最大的单一大屠杀在世界上的大屠杀。The Babi Yar massacre is largest single mass killing massacre in the world.

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通晓世事的学生们曾在网上目睹当时的视频。The worldly-wise students had seen videos of the Tiananmen massacre online.

可以肯定的是,弗吉尼亚理工大学枪击案是最为黑暗的一个时刻。And, surely, the Virginia Tech massacre is one of the darkest moments of all.

据悉,在电影正式开机前,陆花费3年多时间来调查大屠杀的资料。Lu spent over three years researching the massacre before shooting this film.