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他们多数都是在学院的餐厅里吃饭。They eat most days in the college refectory.

Refectory酒店是美国俄亥俄州哥伦布市最好的酒店之一。The Refectory is one of the finest restaurants in Columbus, Ohio.

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它的历史可以追溯到用餐时,1239年为僧人食堂服务。Its dining history dates back to 1239 when it served as the monks' refectory.

不可否认的,我们学校食堂食物的质量已经每况愈下。There is no denying that the qualities of food in our refectory have gone from bad to worse.

结论学校食堂建设应与学生营养健康教育相结合。Conclusion School refectory should be developed in combination with student nutrition health education.

在餐厅进行露天就餐更是颇受好评,同样受欢迎的还有新健身房和桑拿室。The alfresco dining in the refectory has been particularly well received, as has the new gym and sauna.

为了改进和提高我校现有的餐饮服务水平和顾客满意度,我们小组开展此项调研工作。In order to improve and enhance the customer satisfaction of our SIFT Refectory , our team organized the research.

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千篇一律的乡村绿地,教堂的尖塔俯视着小学校的大食堂,这是由埃德蒙.吉伯于1609年所建的。The stereotypical village green and church tower overlook the Primary School Refectory built in 1609 by Edmond Gibbons.

本文从食堂烹饪的角度阐述了合理烹饪对食品安全的重要性。This paper sets out to illustrate the importance of appropriate cooking methods in food safety from the perspective of a refectory.

很多年轻的厨师都跃跃欲试,准备在Refectory大展宏图,但当他们上班的时候发现,第一份工作就是让他们学习洗生菜。There are lots of young chefs who want to come and work at the Refectory and when they start, the first job they are given is to clean lettuce.

本文根据大型食堂的建筑特点,论述了大型食堂厨房在通风设计时应注意的主要问题和设计原则。This paper states the problems and principles in kitchen ventilation design of large refectory according to their architecture characteristics.

在食堂就餐的学生较多,但食堂几乎从未结合学生饮食开展过任何形式的营养健康宣教。Most students had their lunch in school refectory , but almost none of the refectories ever made any form of nutrition education toward students.

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但是,瓦里安来到这家校园咖啡厅,坐到一张长长的白色桌子前,迅速地往他的盘子里放上一些冰块和千岛汁浸泡过的萝卜丝。But Varian arrives at the long white refectory table having quickly heaped his plate with iceberg and shredded carrot doused in Thousand Island dressing.

如何合理地利用“餐桌废物”已经成为摆在人们面前的重要课题,“餐桌废物”的合理处置也是目前急待解决的社会性问题。How to use the refectory table garbage has become an important topic to us, the treatment of refectory table garbage is also the societal question being solved urgently.

本文对餐桌废物处理设备的新工艺进行了详细的研究,为餐桌废物处理设备的进一步发展提供了依据。In this article, the new techniques of refectory table garbage treatment machine is analyzed, a basis for further development of the garbage treatment machine is provided.

本文以中北大学一食堂的油烟气体作为实验对象,建立了油烟净化工艺流程。In this paper, oil fume gas in number one refectory of North University of China is studied as a research object, technical process for the oil fume purification is established.

还有一个问题,就是Rachel和她的女仆们正在打扫餐厅长长的走廊,还有餐厅旁边那些房间。The one problem was that Rachel and her crew were cleaning out the long refectory hallway and chambers alongside the dining hall, the latest battle in Rachel's strenuous spring campaign.

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那时我经常被饥饿折磨,看到食堂里的馒头和发糕,我的理想变成长大后当一名厨师,因为厨师能吃饱饭。In those days, I was torturing by starvation. When seeing the steamed bread and steamed cake of the refectory , my ideal had changed to being a cook, because the chef would never get hungry.