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试试下面这个食谱吧,这口味你永远都不会忘!For a cacophony of flavors that you won't forget, try this recipe.

大自然的和声世界被人类的工业噪音淹没了。Nature's symphonic world was drowned by man's industrial cacophony.

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宝贝鱼应用软件将会把杂音连接成和谐的音调。And Babel Fish applications will connect this cacophony into coherence.

不论我走到哪儿,都能听到各种各样嘈杂的声音,而且所有的声音都是高音量。Anywhere I go, I hear a cacophony of sounds and voices, all at the same high volume.

一个更加直接的担忧是,经济衰退背景下各方争夺利益之音不绝于耳。A more immediate worry is the cacophony of competing interests exposed by the downturn.

路面,其他交通工具,风声和行驶的速度都会不同程度产生刺耳的声音。Road surface, other traffic, wind noise and driving speed all contributed to the cacophony.

然而,刺耳的嘲笑和无根据的断言在右翼的电视和广播里尤其响亮。The cacophony of gibes and unfounded claims is loudest, however, on rightwing TV and radio.

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在残酷丑陋的战争喧嚣中,丽莉·玛琳总是用她那温柔甜蜜的音符去抚慰人们心灵的创伤。Amid the brutal, ugly cacophony of war, Lilli Marlene always struck a sweet and tender note.

就在这时,一个遥远的声音传来了,‘我们就要来了,’我们回答的声音一片混乱。At that, a faraway voice called, ‘We’re coming, ’ and we replied with a cacophony of shouts.

它如何避免自己掉进这些越来越必不可少的对话当中的某些刺耳的声音里头?How does it avoid being drowned out in an a noisy cacophony of ever-more-vital conversations?

有一天我和妈妈在市场买菜,市场里嘈杂的叫卖声此起彼伏,讨价还价声络绎不绝。One day my mother and I in the market to buy food, a noisy cacophony of the market, haggling.

伴随着树根崩裂的刺耳声响,这棵强健的巨树痛苦地缓慢倒下。In a cacophony of cracking, splintering roots, the mighty tree TOPPLES with agonizing slowness.

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潜藏在这些政体杂音之下的一个问题永远是,“这些政体中哪一种最优?Underlying this cacophony of regimes is the "? question always which of these regimes is best?

几分钟之后风停了,一片诡异的宁静代替了片刻之前的喧嚣声。Within minutes, the winds had stopped, and an eerie silence replaced the cacophony of moments earlier.

可是,一个人安静下来时会觉得,曾经厌烦的那些嘈杂回想起来很温情很怀念。But at times when you are alone and quiet, you find yourself missing the warmth of the disappeared cacophony.

沃尔夫觉得他能够透过坦克的座舱盖清晰地听见他们的哀嚎,还能听到战术通信网络中充满喊叫的杂音。Wolff thought he could hear their wailing clear through the tank's canopy and the tac net's cacophony of calls.

试试下面这个食谱吧,这口味你永远都不会忘!它做起来方便,若在大热天吃这个,你会感到无比清爽!For a cacophony of flavors that you won't forget, try this recipe. It's easy and incredibly refreshing on hot days.

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午夜,沉睡中的燕国士兵被即墨城里刺耳的噪声惊醒。In the midnight, the citizens within the city struck up a cacophony of noise that startled the sleeping Yan troops.

被移到花园边上的耧斗菜开出了密密丛丛的花,好像是从葱郁的叶丛间绽放出的花之焰火。Relegated to the border, the columbines launch a cacophony of dense spikes, floral fireworks from lush round bases.

如能用统一明确的信息代替纷纭的呼吁行动,那么政策和规划的转变将更有可能发生。Policy and programme change are more likely if there is one clear message rather than a cacophony of calls to action.