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联合国难民署发言人雷德蒙德说,这些蛇头丢下这些人跑了。UNHCR spokesman, Ron Redmond, says the smugglers abandoned them.

唐艾飞恩是联合国难民署达达布营区官员。Ephraim Tan is a UNHCR Registration officer in Dadaab refugee camp.

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联合国难民事务高级专员公署的紧急空运物资星期二凌晨从迪拜起飞。The UNHCR emergency airlift took off from Dubai early Tuesday morning.

难民署还说,饮水和卫生必需品正供应不足。Water and hygiene needs are becoming “precarious,” according to UNHCR.

芭芭拉-亨利克斯是难民署目前服务年限最长的形象大使。Barbara Hendricks is the longest-serving Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR.

联合国难民署到目前为止已建起1500顶胀篷,可以收容人。The UNHCR so far has erected 1500 tents which can shelter 12000 people.

默克公司曾和联合国难民署在一系列关于难民健康的项目上有过合作。Merck has worked together with UNHCR in a range of refugee health programs.

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从长远来看汇率波动对难民署的业务会起到“中和”作用。Exchange rate fluctuations on UNHCR operations are in the long run "neutral".

绪方贞子在1990年到2000年之间担任难民署高级专员。Ms. Sadako Ogata worked for UNHCR as the High Commissioner between 1990-2000.

但是,他说难民署希望其他国家也可以提供重新安置的地方。But, he says the UNHCR hopes other countries will offer places of resettlement.

总体来说,难民署审计处低于上述的四个月指标。Overall, the UNHCR Audit Service was below the aforementioned four-month target.

联合国难民署的代表格铎说,绝大多数的索马里人不愿离乡背井。UNHCR Representative Geddo says most Somalis are reluctant to uproot themselves.

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雷德蒙德说,联合国难民事务高级专员对世界的整体移民格局感到担忧。He says the UNHCR also is concerned about overall migration patterns in the world.

联合国难民署估计,目前有50万伊拉克学龄儿童居住在邻国。UNHCR estimates that 500,000 school-age Iraqi children now live in neighboring countries.

联合国难民署发言人雷德蒙德认为,尽管一些主要问题久拖未决,但是还是取得了许多成就。While major concerns persist, UNHCR spokesman Redmond says there also are many successes.

联合国难民署发言人帕戈尼斯说,寻求避难的津巴布韦人不应该被遣送回家。UNHCR spokeswoman Jennifer Pagonis says Zimbabweans seeking asylum should not be sent home.

联合国难民署说,大约230人在危险的偷渡途中丧生,260多人失踪。The UNHCR says around 230 people have died while making the perilous voyage and more than 260 are missing.

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联合国难民事务高级专员罗瑞德蒙德声称和一周之前相比越来越多的流亡家庭开始返回摩苏尔。UNHCR Spokesman Ron Redmond says displaced families began returning to Mosul a little more than a week ago.

雷德蒙说,联合国难民机构正在向这些外来人口提供食物、庇护所、毯子等基本生活用品。Redmond says the UNHCR is providing food, shelter, blankets and other basic household items to the migrants.

联合国难民署公共健康司司长斯皮格尔说,他对多洛阿多难民营的悲惨情况感到很震惊。UNHCR Public Health Chief of Section Paul Spiegel says he was taken aback by the very dire situation in Dollo.