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移动你的懒屁股。Get off your lazy arse.

没有人会喜欢一个自以为是的人。Nobody likes a smart arse.

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我觉得自己就像个饭桶!I feel like a perfect arse.

影片中的翻译是他们需要被好好的教训,呵呵。They need a good kick up the arse.

在英国英语这将是屁股。In British English that would be arse.

千万别试图拉屎拉得比屁股还高。Don't try to shit higher than your arse.

我将亲吻他的屁股,如果我需要他。I would kiss a man's arse if I needed him.

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我不用怀孕也能海扁你一顿的。I do not need to be pregnant to kick your arse.

那天,我正在猛干一个女娃的屁股!I was ramming this little girl up the arse the other day.

但是依然得自己擦屁股,所以需要再接再厉。Still have to wipe my own arse though so needs more work.

事实上,uros的部分与我们英语词arse有关。In fact the uros part is related to our English word arse.

Richardson说,“她的大屁股上面戳着大胸脯,还有双大眼睛。She had big boobs plonked on top of a big arse and big eyes.

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分析显示溶液中有几格令的砷。The analysis showed a few grains of arse nic in the solution.

“有一个,”新郎回答,“她不喜欢刚交。”"Only one, " replies the groom. "She won't take it up the arse.

我们在伦敦也搞不清楚,太阳好象是从你的屁股下照出来的。We don't figure out back in London, the sun shines from your arse.

尊敬的阁下,我猜,只要亲吻上帝的屁股后就好上路了。I guess, Your Excellency, that I too should start off by kissing some god's arse.

就是在最威严的王位上的最伟大的君主也必须坐在自己的屁股上。The greatest monarch on the proudest throne, is oblig'd to sit upon his own arse.

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我的这一下抽打让你的屁股感到灼热的感觉。There is a searing intensity about the stripe which I have just laid across your arse.

你算哪个恶鬼门子的骑士,用光腚都杀不死一只刺猬?What the devil kind of knight are you, that can't slay a hedgehog with his naked arse?

高迪是个独断的混球,他从不听别人叙述,即使是娱乐。Gordy was a dogmatic pain in the arse. And he never could listen. Entertaining, though.