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扭扭脖子。Twist your neck.

他的脖子是廋的。His neck is thin.

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我的颈脖僵疼。My neck is stiff.

在颈部疼痛。Pain in the neck.

你梳你颈。You preen your neck.

她扭伤了脖子。She cricked her neck.

脖子子细长没有手。Long neck and no hand.

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她弄断了他的脖子。She had broken his neck.

他脖子折断一命呜呼。He died of a broken neck.

我似乎落枕了,脖子有些僵硬。I woke up with stiff neck.

扭扭脖子,扭扭腰。Swing your neck and waist.

马弯其颈。The horse arched its neck.

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怀亚特一针扎在他的脖子上。Wyatt stabs the man's neck.

适用于脸和颈的所有地方。Apply all over face and neck.

骆驼长着那样长的脖子。The gol get like a long neck.

兜帽脖子上搭着口音。Cowl neck with draped accents.

你脖子上那个是吻痕吗?Is that a hickey on your neck?

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子弹射进他的颈部。The bullet lodged in his neck.

汗水顺着我的脖子往下滴。The sweat rolled down my neck.

苏智诚颈项长瘤?Soh has a tumor on his neck?! ?