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目的探讨小儿断指再植术后的护理。Objective The successful nursing after replantation of severed finger.

目的探讨指尖掌侧静脉在指尖再植中的作用。Objective To detect the effect of palm veins in fingertip replantation.

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目的研究旋转撕脱性拇指离断再植的方法。Objective To explore the method of replantation of rotational avulsed thumb.

目的探讨不同手术方式对手指离断复合组织块再植的临床疗效。Objective To explore the methods of replantation for severed finger composite tissues.

结论高凝状态是断指再植失败的重要原因。Hypercoagulability is an important cause of failure in replantation of severed fingers.

目的探讨改进手指旋转撕脱性离断再植方法。Objective To improve the replantation method of finger with rotated and avulsed injury.

目的回顾性分析特殊手指末节及指尖再植的临床效果。Objective To review the clinical result of replantation of specially amputated fingertip.

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结果吻合血管头皮再植方法取得满意效果。Results Replantation of avulsed scalp by microvascular anastomoses could get better result.

目的探讨促进断指再植指感觉功能恢复的方法。Objective To explore a method for promoting sensory recovery after severed finger replantation.

目的报道末节断指再植的手术方法及临床效果。Objective To report the operative technique and clinical results of distal phalanx replantation.

目的探讨护理程序在接受断指再植手术后围手术期病人中的应用。Objective To probe the application of care program in patients after replantation of amputate finger.

结论许多严重毁坏的断掌,不仅可以再植成活,而且可以恢复较好的功能。Conclusions?Mutilated palms can be salvaged by heterotopic replantation and the functional result is good.

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目的探讨断指再植一体化系列功能康复计划的临床应用效果。Objective To explore the clinical effects of integrative rehabilitation programme for digital replantation.

结论小血管移植对于血管缺损状态下的断指再植系唯一选择。Conclusion Transplantation of small vascular is the only choice for finger replantation with vascular defect.

目的研究手外科温箱对手外伤患者伤口或创面愈合,以及再植手指或手成活的影响。Objective Study the effect that hand surgical warm box aid-treatment wound union, replantation finger survive.

目的探讨伴有指背皮肤和静脉缺损的断指再植的修复方法。Objective To introduce a new method for repairing the dorsal skin and vein defect in replantation of severed fingers.

结论采用显微外科技术再植是治疗部分耳廓完全离断的首选方法。Conclusion Replantation through microsurgery deserves to be widely used to treat partial auricle of complete separation.

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目的研究吻合指掌侧静脉重建断指血运的方法。Objective To investigate the methods of application of the palmar digital vein to reconstruct the blood in replantation.

目的探讨棘突椎板回植椎管成形在胸腰椎后路手术的应用价值。Objective To evaluate the replantation of lamina and spinous process during laminoplasty in posterior thoracolumbar surgery.

目的探讨彩色多谱勒能量图在断指再植微血管检查中的价值。Objective To evaluate the color Doppler energy imaging in the assessment of the blood supply in replantation of severed finger.