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人类最早的家庭形式应是群婚家庭而非血缘家庭。Communal marriage is the first form of human family instead of consanguineous family.

日本与中国毗邻,且两国之间经济联系密切。Japan abuts China, and the two countries have a consanguineous relationship in economy.

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所以,他们的关系有点像有血缘的性质,因此能长久地维系。Therefore, the relation somewhat like consanguineous relation will exist for a long time.

古医家关于疲劳与气及火的关系有大量的论述,说明疲劳与火有密切的关系。The ancient doctors elaborated largely the consanguineous correlation of the fatigue and fire.

食物缺乏,气温变化与其种群数量的改变有密切关系。Food deficiency, temperature change both has consanguineous relation with its population quantity.

关子钞版的制作工艺与其性质、用途具有十分密切的关系。The making method of the 'Guan Zi' Plates has consanguineous connection with their quality and use.

在成矿过程中,构造应力与元素的迁移富集有着密切的关系。There are consanguineous relationship between tectonic and migration of elements during metallogenic process.

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从图腾神、自然神崇拜到血缘祖先崇拜,这是原始宗教发展的轨迹。Trace of primitive religion development was from totemism and naturism to consanguineous ancestors adoration.

高青二氧化碳气田的范围与断裂在走向上的封闭性有密切关系。The region of Gaoqing carbon dioxide reservoir has consanguineous relationships with the strike sealing of fault.

建筑以其自身所特有的形式而成为了一门艺术。而同时它也和人的生命产生了密切的关系。Architecture becomes an art because it has special form. That apart, it also has consanguineous relation with human life.

个体的生存实践是对这种血亲情感和血亲关系的开显。Individual's existing-practice is an opening and showing of the consanguineous feeling and the consanguineous relationship.

由调查发现,不同族群的使用者的购买态度与使用观点,有所不同。By the investigation discovery, not the consanguineous group user's purchase manner and the use viewpoint, have differently.

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氐、羌同源异流,原居西北甘青高原,后分化为两族。The Di and the Qiang peoples inhabiting the northwest Gansu-Qinghai Plateau are consanguineous and divided into two nationalities.

心理健康与个性的关系十分密切,且两者均受遗传、生物及环境因素的影响。Both mental health and personality is impacted by descendiblity and surrounding, and there is consanguineous connection between the two.

血缘家庭缺乏事实及逻辑推理方面的依据,也缺乏存在的物质基础。Consanguineous family is short of the facts and reasons according to which we can judge. At the Same time it lacks the material foundations.

五个血缘亲属部落以在部落的一切内部事务上完全平等和独立为基础,结成永世联盟。Perpetual federation of the five consanguineous tribes on the basis of complete equality and independence in all internal matters of the tribe.

“姑舅表婚制”是人类自血缘家庭建立以来,一直普遍存在的一种特殊的婚姻形式。The Marriage System of Cousinship" is a special marriage form, which has universally existed since human beings instituted consanguineous family."

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同时,与一国或一个地区人口城市化水平和就业水平密切相关的第三产业在我国也呈低发展水平。At the same time, the tertiary, which has consanguineous relationship with population urbanization and employment, is also in low development level.

兄妹婚型洪水神话历来被视为是人类早期存在过血缘婚阶段的重要论据。The brother-sister-get-married pattern flood mythology has always been taking as the evidence of consanguineous marriage, which is a misinterpretation.

死刑源于原始社会的血亲复仇,它是刑罚体系中最古老、最严厉的一种刑罚。Death penalty is the most archaic and severest penalty among the penalty system, which is originated from consanguineous Vengeance of barbarism society.