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然后浏览一下作者简介。Then look through the author blurb.

最给力的是Blurb是完全免费的。Best of all, Blurb is completely free to use.

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如果你需要灵感,Blurb上也有。If you need inspiration, you’ll find it at Blurb.

他以读谷类食品包装盒上的广告为乐。He gets a kick out of reading the blurb on cereal boxes.

没有什么能这么让人伤心,毫无意义,这么可笑——我写的书评。Nothing so sad, so futile, so ridiculous—a blurb from me.

那家财务代理公司不断寄来的宣传广告令我感到极之厌烦。I am fed up with the blurb that finance agency keeps sending me.

Blurb是一个能为您提供制作自己书籍的公司。Blurb is one such company that enables you to make your own book.

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然后用一些简短的介绍关于关闭索引和资源占用的问题。Then a short blurb on turning off Indexing and resource hogging themes.

你甚至可以在网站上放一些商店的宣传广告,可以是一幅照片。You could even include a little blurb about the store, and maybe a picture.

如果你选择让你的书公开,就可以在Blurb的网站上销售。If you choose to make your book public, it can be sold on the Blurb website.

他比任何测谎仪都准确,Sky的宣传广告称他为“人肉测谎仪”。More accurate than any polygraph test, Sky's publicity blurb says Lightman is "a human lie detector".

在每个股票推荐的后面,你发现醒目黑体注明的日期和目标价。At the end of the blurb for each pick, you'll find a target price and the date it was set in bold type.

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我们发现,当人们阅读新闻页面上标题下的导语时,他们常常只看整个导语块的左边三分之一。We found that when people look at blurbs under headlines on news homepages, they often only look at the left one-third of the blurb.

我们都只花几秒钟的时间去扫描一百四十字的页面,然后用Tweet或状态更新的形式做出回应。We each take a few seconds to consider a one hundred forty character blurb and then hammer out our reactions by way of a Tweet or status update.

在Blurb.com你能找到所有你设计、创造书籍要用到的工具,无论你是做书的菜鸟还是经验丰富的创意专家。At, you’ll find all the tools you need to design and create your book, whether you’re a beginning bookmaker or an experienced creative pro.

在读完大字标题后,用户还愿意继续浏览下面的广告,这样就会在不知不觉中点击免费试用的按钮。After you’ve read the headline you can proceed to read the marketing blurb below, which leads nicely into a call to action signup button for the free trial.

尽管科学家们发现那段推介非常的糟糕,但是英国公民还是购买了这套邮票,读到了其中Josephson关于量子科学在将来某一天可能能够解释心灵感应的有趣观点。While scientists fumed about how terrible the stamp blurb was, British citizens paid their bills while reading Josephson's intriguing views on how quantum science may one day explain telepathy.