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那个男的脸上有许多麻子。The man's face was badly pock -marked.

痘疤完整结好后基本上就没用了,所以要赶忙。After a complete end pock basically useless, so quickly.

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她满面菜色,额头上有些麻子。She has a poor complexion and pock marks on her forehead.

其中一位导游连声抱歉,说路面简直像麻子一样。Among them a tourist guide repeatedly sorry, said the road is like pock.

他妈妈坚持说他每一个月零花钱不能超过100元。His mother insisted that his pock money would not exceed 100 every month.

这些情况的残余后果就是,皮肤长期性的疤痕和痘印。Residual effects from these conditions can cause long-term scarring and pock marks.

有一次,牧人捉住小猪,牠大声号叫,猛烈地抗拒。One day the person caught the pock , though it rebelled with strong howl and made great noise.

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这个东西涂在创口上,隔天就会无效果,再凶猛的痘疤也会消逝得一干二净。This thing is applied to the wound, the next day will be no effect, and then will disappear ferocious pock was erased.

空置的店面布满了整个布诺佩斯科特大道--这个主街区,是年轻人最爱去玩的地方,也是超级市场林立的地方。Vacant storefronts pock Penobscot Avenue, the main street, and the most popular hangout for teenagers is a supermarket parking lot.

突破期间我们遭受到了一些轻武器和迫击炮的射击,但除了在油漆上打出了一些麻点之外没有受到任何其它的伤害。We received some small arms and mortar fire during the breach, but didn't have any damage other than bullet pock marks in the paint, etc.

利用数字图像处理技术,设计出一种基于线阵CCD成像技术的轴承表面缺陷非接触在线检测系统。Based on CCD image measuring and image processing techniques, an online non-touch measuring system for measuring bearing pock is developed.

程岐山回到办公室后怒斥麻脸,麻脸是担心暴露才嫁祸给十七旅。Cheng Qishan returned to the office after the rage is worried about exposure to pockmarked face, pock marked referred to the seventeen brigade.

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为了生存的矿工们在莫罗科哈附近光秃秃的山岭谋生了几十年,钻孔密密麻麻地布满山坡,就像腐烂的木头上的白蚁。Subsistence miners have carved a living out of the treeless mountains aroundMorococha for decades. Bore holes pock the hillside like termite holes in rottedwood.

通过扫描电子显微镜对热镀锌钢板镀层表面麻点缺陷的表面和断面形貌进行了观察,并对其进行了能谱分析。The surface and cross-section of the pock flaws which appeared on the hot-dip galvanized coating were observed and analyzed by using SEM and energy spectroscopy.

女儿的额头又多一颗痘子我妈说是体内长出来的而老婆说是被蚊子叮的我个人认为应该是油脂分泌过多而再度长出来到目前为止妘整张小脸几乎各个位置都跑出来过难道牡羊座主观较急个性柏妘怎麽早就出现了。Daughter has one more pock one her forehead. Grandma said it was resulted from her body, but wife said it was bitten by mosquitoes. I personally think it was created by herself due to fat too much.