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我找到一条近路。I found a shortcut.

你能不能走捷径?Can you take a shortcut?

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没有其他的捷径了吗?Isn't there any shortcut?

噢!我知道什么叫“近路”!I know what a shortcut is.

两极化是条捷径。Polarization is a shortcut.

我们从捷径开始。We begin with the shortcut.

我告诉过你的,这是条近道。I told you it was a shortcut.

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好消息,我找到一条近路。Great news, I found a shortcut.

上哪儿找一条近路呢?Where could he find a shortcut?

每一条道路都象是一条捷径。Every road felt like a shortcut.

我决定抄小路回家。I decided to take a shortcut home.

他们走捷径上了海滨。They took a shortcut to go on shore.

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他越过一条小水沟抄近道。He leapt over a ditch for a shortcut.

哦,是的,事实上,我知道一条近路。Oh, yeah. In fact, I know a shortcut.

你能告诉我怎么走这条近路?Could you tell me how to use the shortcut?

请问去动物园有近路吗?。Is there a shortcut I can take to the zoo?

这个快捷方式适用于所有的数值输入框。This shortcut works in all dialog palettes.

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要明白这是没有任何捷径的。Give up the notion that there is a shortcut.

这种情况下,快捷键就是一个不错的选择。In this case, a shortcut key is a good choice.

使用邮件发送指向当前页的快捷方式。Sends a shortcut to the current page using mail.