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但是哈克贝里?费恩是1884年的小说形象了。But Huckleberry Finn was published in 1884.

一天晚上在坟场他和费恩、贝琪撒切尔看到了三个男人。One night in the graveyard he and Huck Finn see three men.

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谢谢您,芬恩大使,总是高兴见到您。Thank you, Ambassordor Finn. Always a pleasure having you.

他还发现乔·哈帕和哈克·费恩正在一条巷子里吃偷来的甜瓜。He found Joe Harper and Huck Finn up an alley eating a stolen melon.

在下一季里,最受欢迎人物瑞秋,费恩和科特会做最后一次亮相。The next series will be the last for favourites Rachel, Finn and Kurt.

芬兰人在17场分站赛之后以一分优势力压汉密尔顿。The Finn beat Hamilton by a single point at the end of the 17 race season.

最后,马克吐温下到企业通过让“哈克“芬兰人说话。Finally, Twain gets down to business by letting "Huck" Finn do the talking.

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2010年6月21日,芬恩·尼尔森在纽约的布鲁克林大桥公园弹钢琴。Finn Neilsen plays a piano in Brooklyn Bridge Park in New York on June 21, 2010.

他们三个中的最后一个,芬恩·基德兰德,几年前获得了诺贝尔奖。One of these, the last of the three, Finn Kydland, won the Nobel Prize a few years ago.

埃里克命令这芬兰人取埃纳尔性命,把他从高处射下来。Eric ordered the Finn to silence Einar and bring him toppling down from his lofty perch.

淑芬替儿子求签,签文指梓博命中注定甚么事也有两次选择机会。Shu Finn for son pray, sign the text refers to the catalpa Po what destiny has two choices.

阿联酋航空公司确认罗德公关作为其中国机构连续5年。Emirates Airline confirmed Ruder Finn as their China PR Agency for the 5th consecutive year.

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他救了袋鼠孤儿,并帮助芬兰学习了解库克伯勒哭。He rescues an orphaned wallaby and helps Finn learn to understand the cry of the kookaburra.

相对于冒冒的不如意,意外获得第一份工作的一芬就显得幸运多了。Relative to risk taking is unpleasant, accidentally get the first job for over a Finn is lucky.

该联盟为其数字进行了辩护,微软的芬恩先生说该集团的数字是准确的。The alliance defends its numbers, and Mr. Finn at Microsoft says the group’s figures are accurate.

芬·基德兰德和爱德华·普雷斯科特开辟了这项问题的研究的一条新路,创立了所谓的“实际经济周期…Finn Kydland and Edward Prcscott have led the way into what is now called Real Business Cycle Theory.

作为在纽约的前联邦助理检察长,芬恩先生现在巴黎办公室领导着该小组。A former assistant United States attorney in New York, Mr. Finn directs this squad from a Paris office.

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他那充满青春激情的汤姆。索亚和哈克贝里。芬系列历险故事为他赢得了全世界读者的喜爱。He won a worldwide audience for his stories of the youthful adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

杨莉和方安专门为大家找到了来自不同国家的六位男女畅谈他们对英国四季的感受和自己的偏爱。All the people who talked to Yang Li and Finn live in London but they come from different parts of the world.

这让我想起了马克吐温小说里哈克贝利。弗恩沿密西西比河而下的冒险之旅。The rafts made me think of the story Huckle Berry Finn and his adventures down the American Mississippi river.