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他力图说出他的感受。He tried to vocalize his feelings.

你的女婴早在会说话之前就要开始咿呀发声了。Your baby will begin to vocalize long before she can talk.

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雄龟会流出口水,并击打嘴唇发出声音,或是发出嘶嘶声。The male may drool and vocalize with a lip- smacking sound or a hiss.

就像婴儿咿呀学语一样,鸣鸟通过模仿它们的前辈学会发音。Like babbling babies, songbirds learn to vocalize by mimicking their elders.

歌中的动物发出声音。我们唱这首歌时都有机会欢笑。In it the animals get to vocalize and we all get a chance to laugh as we sing.

研究人员现在研究,食人鱼在交配时是否发声。The researchers are now interested in whether piranhas vocalize during mating.

在印度和巴厘岛,学生们在开始学习乐器之前要先学习唱歌。In India and Bali students learn to vocalize music before ever picking up instruments.

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在待产和生产的过程中允我发声,请不要给我任何建议或者是批评。Please allow me to vocalize as desired during labor and birth without comment or criticism.

能够说出你的情感就显示出你很自信,而且女孩也吃这一套。The ability to vocalize your emotions will show confidence, and girls will eat that sh*t up.

不负责任的人往往将责怪转移到那些因素上,将它们表示为借口。Irresponsible people tend to shift the blame onto those factors, and vocalize them as excuses.

因为,鸣禽和人类一样从小就开始学习发声,而且不同的区域有不同的口音。That's because songbirds, like people, learn to vocalize early in life and develop regional accents.

介绍了能够发声的主要动物类群的有关发声通讯系统研究的新进展。The vocalization and communication organs in the main groups of animals which can vocalize are produced.

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一次夜晚的谈话会带来合适的时机去发现别人的立场或者声援他们。An evening conversation could bring the right time to find out where others stand or to vocalize your support.

一只理想中的幼犬会挣扎片刻之后放松下来,而控制欲很强的狗将激烈的挣扎想翻身起来或是嚎叫甚至咬你一口。An ideal puppy will struggle briefly then relax. A dominant puppy will thrash around to get off his back and may vocalize or bite.

也不能诱使猫发声,在同一场合狗也会诱发发声本能,例如,当某人走过后院。Nor can one induce a cat to vocalize on the same occasions a dog vocalizes instinctively, for instance, when someone walks through the backyard.

尽管他们也可以用哺乳来安抚,但大宝宝往往会发出可爱的声音,而幼儿则可能既叫喊又到处跑。Although they too are comforted with breastfeeding, older babies tend to vocalize sweet baby sounds and toddlers can be both very vocal and very mobile.

使用机械通气的患者无法表达感情、确认需求以及通过语言交流来面对恐惧、焦虑和压力。Mechanically ventilated patients are unable to vocalize feelings, verify perceptions and cope with fears, anxiety and stress through verbal communication.

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他指出,电视不仅是不能充当婴儿看护人员,更有甚的是它实际上减少了婴幼儿收听、发出以及学习到的声音和单词。"Television is not only a poor caregiver substitute, but it actually reduces the number of language sounds and words babies hear, vocalize and therefore learn, " he said.