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南苏丹政府腐败,尤其是基层干部,这已经成为普遍的看法。The widespread perception is that the GOSS is corrupt, especially at the lower levels.

但是格斯教授同时也说在没有却是要从水中检验出特定的细菌之前通过这样一个议案是很困难的。But Goss said it's hard to pass a verdict on the finding without knowing which specific bacteria were found in the water.

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高斯的此次雅典之行,随行的有来自伊州的委员会最高级成员拉沃德,以及该委员会的参谋人员和安全顾问。Goss traveled to Athens with ranking committee member Ray LaHood of Illinois as well as committee staffers and security advisers.

市议政厅议长查尔斯·皮尤及当地慈善机构S斯基尔曼基金会的会长也将出席。Charles Pugh was there, the leader of the city council. Carol Goss was there, head of the Skillman Foundation, a busy local charity.

次年,戈斯先生领导昆士兰州工党在大选中获胜,这是工党自1956年以来的第一次重返政治舞台。Mr Goss made history the following year, leading the Queensland Labor Party back to government in its first election win since 1956.

讨论了高能晶界理论、高迁移率晶界理论、表面气氛等对高斯晶粒长大的贡献。The effects of grain boundaries with high energy or high mobility and surface atmosphere on the growth of Goss grains are discussed.

迈克尔和高斯两个人在德克萨斯州达拉斯拥有住所,三年前,高斯在当地还开办了“高斯艺术馆”,展出现代艺术品。Michael and Goss have homes in London and in Dallas, Texas, where Goss opened the Goss Gallery about three years ago showing contemporary art.

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打破传统帆船设计的「菲利浦斯队号」双体船,是世界上最快和最大的环球帆船,船长彼得高斯带领队员参加新世纪的环球帆船比赛。Pete Goss 's 'Team Philips' was a catamaran built to an ultra-radical, high-tech design, and was supposed to be the fastest ever round-the-world yacht.

结帐后,我们就准备赶火车回维也纳去了,我记起了戈斯先生对我们说过的一句话,“这里到处都是本地人,他们看得出谁是外地来的,他们喜欢这样。”As we paid our modest tab and prepared to catch the train back to Vienna, I remembered the words Mr. Goss had left us with. “These places are full of locals, ” he said.

朝鲜正在为其弹道导弹技术寻找新的买主,而传统的买主,比如叙利亚,已经停止和朝鲜进行交易。North Korea is looking for new customers for its ballistic-missile technology, Goss said, now that "traditional customers" such as Libya have stopped trading with North Korea.