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四月天自行其是。April tut was er will.

我心里暗暗地啧啧称赞。I heart secretly tut praise.

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这个孔令很多人——甚至我——认为图坦卡蒙死于谋杀。The hole made many people—even me—think Tut had been murdered.

娜芙提提还是人称图坦王的图坦卡门国王的继母。She was the stepmother of King Tutankhamen, commonly known as King Tut.

娜芙提提还是人称图坦王的图坦卡门国王的继母。She was the stepmother of King Tutankhamen , commonly known as King Tut.

在太原理工大学学习期间遵守中国政府的法律和学校的规章制度。Ishall abide by the laws of Chinese Government and the regulations of TUT.

我还没有在互联网上看到过有人使用过这种方法呢,所以我想我最好为大家讲解一下。I havnt seen a tut like this on the internet yet so I thought I had better post one.

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这位埃及法老图坦卡蒙有一副漂亮虎牙。King Tut has what Egyptian antiquities chief Zahi Hawass calls beautiful buck teeth.

谁记笔记的速度都赶不上“啧啧王”说话的速度快,特别是他激动起来的时候。No one could take notes as fast as "King Tut?talked, especially when he became excited.

吃面的时间要发出“啧啧”的声音,在这里大声吃面表现你吃得很香。Noodles time to issue a "tut"sound, where the noodles loudly that you eat very fragrant.

健康证明书亦可于接到本校之录取通知信函时寄缴。This health certificate can be submitted after receiving the letter of acceptance from TUT.

图坦卡门,然后将扫描您的PC和比较的一切它认为对什么都知道您的程序。TUT then scans your PC and compares everything it finds against what it knows about your programs.

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DNA还显示图特王可能并未患过黑死病、肺结核、麻风病及黑热病。DNA also shows that Tut was probably spared bubonic plague, tuberculosis, leprosy or leishmaniasis.

图坦卡蒙之墓——通称“法老墓”——多年来存在着各种谜团。The tomb of King Tutenkhamen – better known as King Tut – has raised many questions over the years.

图坦卡蒙墓穴中较小的木乃伊胎儿被放置在镀金棺材中,同时陪葬的还有面罩。A gilded coffin and funerary mask adorned the smaller of two mummified female fetuses buried with King Tut.

从图坦卡门睡袋到鲨鱼咬人睡袋,这是一种奇怪睡袋的大集合。From the King Tut Mummy Sleeping Bag to the Shark Attack Sleeping Bag. An unusual collection of Strange Sleeping Bags.

最后,“老啧”给我打了100+,还写了这样一句话,“任教多年,总算碰上一个高材生,谢天谢地!”"Old Tut" gave me a 100 plus. He penned a note saying, "Thank goodness for one good scholar in all my years of teaching.

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他们断言图坦卡蒙法老企图报复,还宣称存在一个“木乃伊的诅咒”,谁进入过墓室,就会施与到谁身上。They claimed King Tut wanted revenge, and declared there was a mummy's curse that targeted those who had entered the tomb.

帝王谷隐藏在尼罗河西边的沙漠峡谷之中,里面埋藏着图坦卡蒙和其皇室亲属的诸多墓穴。Hidden in the desert canyons west of the Nile, the Valley of the Kings holds the tombs of King Tut and his royal relatives.

米切尔根据这些结果,认为图坦国王是匆忙下葬,下葬时的壁画都还是湿的。Mitchell thinks this evidence indicates that King Tut was buried in a hurry. Because the paint on the walls was probably still wet.