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有时候他们倔强,发怒和强迫你坚持你自己的观点。Sometimes they act up or ut and force you to take stand.

对社交媒体的热爱源自于我从UT毕业时的论文。My love of social media comes from my graduate work in UT.

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驱动器通过锡安的交界处9日和UT斯达康UT斯达康89吨。Drive through Zion to the junction of UT 9 and UT 89 at Mt.

这张白尾鹞照片摄于犹他州贝尔河候鸟保护地。for photo of Northern Harriers, Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, UT

听和读,是输入和积累,也可以说是基三年升四级于观察的学习。As i ut and accumulation, listening and reading function aso ervation-based learning.

他们可能不总是霸天虎是什么意思喜欢这些事情,但他们喜欢一起去完成。They may ot have alway loved what they did, aid a ister, ut they loved doing it together.

如果那样去买个运动礼包吧,也许你会从里面抽到校队比赛的门票。This makes students eligible for the draw for tickets for all home games for all UT sports.

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“他们的研究方法是有问题的,”德州西南大学的伊丽莎白-帕克斯在一封电子邮件中对美国国家广播电台的"打针"节目说。"The methodology is problematic, " Elizabeth Parks of UT Southwestern told Shots in an email.

麦克斯威尔公司是位于美国犹他州盐湖城的一个沥青产品制造商。Maxwell Products Inc. is an asphalt products manufacturing company based in Salt Lake City, UT.

该电源屏是我厂最新研制的为UT无绝缘轨道电路提供电源的专用区间供电设备。It is a special power supply equipment designed recently for UT track circuit without insulation.

为了找出与CAM贴纸相近的颜色,我在胶板上喷了蓝色然后贴上“2”这个图案。In order to find a matched color with the CAM decals, I sprayed blue on a lastic board and ut "2" decal on it.

这项研究调查了美国德州大学西南医学中心180名采用深静脉移植片进行血管重建的患者。The study examined 180 patients who underwent arterial reconstructions using deep-vein grafting at UT Southwestern.

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还有“贝沃”,学校的吉祥物—一头长角小公牛,人们把它带来作为今天下午的主角,让得州大学队的球迷们开心。And Bevo, the school mascot, a longhorn bull which is brought out to preside over the afternoon to the delight of the UT fans.

该算法是一种以扩展卡尔曼滤波算法为基本框架,以贝叶斯理论和UT变换为理论基础的新型滤波算法。This algorithm has its theory basis consisted of Bayesian theory and UT transform, and implements according to the frame of EKF.

他全忘了我为他作过的事,和我对他的照顾,竟在花园里拔去了一整排最好的黑醋栗树!He's forgetten all Ee done for him, un' made on him, un' goan un' riven up a whole row ut t' grandest currant trees, i' t' garden!'

背景是斯蒂芬森和同事兼顾问UT奥斯汀心理学家辛迪·迈斯滕感兴趣要研究的内容。That context is what Stephenson and his co-author and adviser, UT Austin psychologist Cindy Meston, were interested in investigating.

递归分类树是计算机实现,基于统计理论的非参数的识别技术。Classification tree shows promising ap plication in credit risk analysis as a statistic-based pattern recognition comp ut er-technique.

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数字调音台是一种利用计算机实现了多种自动控制、记忆和存储功能的音频设备。Digital sound mixing console is an audio equipment of using comp ut er to realize various auto control and memory and storage functions.

三星宣称他们提供的UT控制软件可以最大控制由250个显示器拼接成的显示幕墙。Samsung claims that the UD controller software that drives the UT arrays can set up a screen made up of as many as 250 individual monitors.

美国达拉斯UT西南医学中心的一项研究发现,某些食物,如冰激凌和汉堡包,其中所含的脂肪直接刺激人的大脑。U. S. study by UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas has found that fat from certain foods such ice-cream and burgers heads to the brain.