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我甚至不确定“胎液”到底指的是什么。I am not even certain what is meant by placental fluid.

病理检查胎盘蜕膜细胞、绒毛膜滋养层细胞变性坏死。The placental decidua cells and villi ceil degenerated with necrosis.

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这种获得毒素的形式在胎盘类哺乳动物里是独一无二的。The animal and its acquired toxicity is unique among placental mammals.

结论产前MRI对于诊断胎盘植入具有重要价值。Conclusion MRI is valuable for prenatal diagnosis of placental invasion.

这种胎液是人的,还是像其它传闻所说,是马的胎液?Is it human placental fluid, or, as some claim, horse's placental fluid?

目的探讨胎盘早剥的诱因、危险性及防治措施。To evaluate the cause, danger, prevention and treatment of placental abruption.

旷置胎盘、使用人工氧合器并不能减轻体外循环对胎盘功能的影响。Exclusion of placenta and usage of oxygenator can not protect placental functions.

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目的探讨急诊超声诊断胎盘早剥的价值。Objective To study the value of placental abruption in emergency supersonic analysis.

显示有分散的葡萄状团块,内有正常外观的胎盘组织。Note the scattered grape-like masses with intervening normal-appearing placental tissue.

基质金属蛋白酶-8,11,19和组织蛋白酶B在异常胎盘绒毛组织中的表达。Expression of matrix metalloproteinase-8,11,19 and cathepsin B in abnormal placental tissues.

不明原因IUGR与妊高征合并IUGR具有相似的胎盘免疫病理改变。Idiopathic IUGR and PIH complicated IUGR have the similar placental immunopathological changes.

该图片提供了一颗年轻恒星正从胚胎云中诞生的旁证。The image offers circumstantial evidence that a young star is being born inside the placental cloud.

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孩子出生后,一些脐带血可以保存下来救人一命。After the baby is born, some of the placental blood can be collected and used to save people's lives.

目的建立纯度较高的适于实验研究的人蜕膜细胞。Objective To establish highly purified functional human decidual cells from human placental in vitro.

树懒及其亲缘大约在一亿年前与其它的胎盘哺乳动物分道扬镳。Sloths and their relatives branched off from all other placental mammals about 100 million years ago.

利尿剂可能会引起贫血从而损害胎盘血流和胎儿发育。Diuretics can cause depletion of the blood volume and so impair placental blood flow and fetal growth.

妊高征组胎盘滋养层细胞超微结构有明显的病理学改变。The obvious pathological changes were found in ultrastructure of placental trophoblast of study group.

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HO可能在妊高征患者胎盘组织损伤的病理生理中起重要作用。HO may play a role in the pathophysiology of poor placental perfusion and tissue damage in placenta of PIH.

胎衣包裹住犬仔,在犬仔呼吸之前,就要将胎衣去掉。Each puppy emerges in its own placental membrane, or sac, which must be removed before the puppy can breathe.

认为IUGR的发病与胎盘缺血缺氧及绒毛发育迟缓有关。It was suggested that production of IUGR was related to placental ischemia and villus maturation retardation.