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为什么在广岛记忆受到窒碍?Why is memory thwarted in Hiroshima?

广岛爱珍珠港!滑天下之大稽。Hiroshima loves Pearl Harbor. Ludicrous at best.

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例如安保条约,还有广岛。the pitch of rights, and a little bit about Hiroshima.

落在广岛的原子弹产生出二万吨的当量。The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima had a yield of20 kilotons.

如果我还记得,在广岛上空盘旋的有两架飞机。Because if I remember, there were only two planes over Hiroshima.

这是一个“卡利斯在广岛购物中心”的精品工程。This is a boutique project for "karis" in a shopping center in Hiroshima.

当炸弹落在广岛爆炸的时候,我们亲眼看见了整座城市的覆灭。As the bomb fell over Hiroshima and exploded, we saw an entire city disappear.

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1945年8月6日,广岛市被第一颗原子弹夷为平地。The city of Hiroshima was laid flat by the first atomic bomb on August 6, 1945.

在日本有出售广岛巧克力和长崎抹茶味冰激凌蛋卷吗?Hiroshima chocolate and Nagasaki machaflavored ice cream cones for sale in Japan?

今天是广岛原子弹爆炸65周年纪念日。Today marks the 65th anniversary of the dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima.

至于广岛和长崎——珍珠港意味着永远用不着对你们说抱歉。As for Hiroshima and Nagasaki-- Pearl Harbor means never having to say you're sorry.

一九八四年时,柳井在同一座城市广岛创立了「独一无二的服装仓库」。In the same city — Hiroshima — he established the Unique Clothing Warehouse in 1984.

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笑话,日本是因为广岛和长崎挨原子弹轰炸而投降的!China won against Japan- what a joke. Japan surrendered only due to Hiroshima and Nagasaki!

视觉和盲感是如何在峠三吉,正田筱枝和栗原贞子关于广岛的诗篇起作用?How do vision and blindness operate in the poetry of Hiroshima by Toge, Shoda, and Kurihara?

我们从未忘记珍珠港事件。日本佬从未忘记广岛和长崎。就这么简单。We never forget Pearl Harbor. The Japs never forget Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As simple as pie.

广岛市已向152个国家发出邀请,截至15日已有68个国家表示将派代表出席。Hiroshima has invited 152 countries to issue, as 68 countries, 15 have said will be represented.

广岛附近的尾道监狱整一层楼都已经被改造成一个老年病房实验点。An entire floor has been converted into a pilot geriatric ward at Onomichi Prison, near Hiroshima.

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如果广岛核爆的幸存者感到“愤怒”,他们应该照照镜子好好反省自己。If those who survived the atomic bombings at Hiroshima feel 'outrage,' they should look in the mirror.

反应堆连续燃烧了十天,释放出比广岛原子弹爆炸还要强400倍的放射性辐射。The reactor burned for 10 days, disgorging 400 times the radioactivity released by the Hiroshima bomb.

日本广岛市正在举行原子弹爆炸65周年纪念。The Japanese city of Hiroshima is marking the 65th anniversary of the world's first atomic bomb attack.