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球场是在波士顿警察局总部的拐角处。It was around the corner from BPD headquarters.

修订后的DIB是诊断边缘人格最有影响力和最为人们熟知的“测试”。The DIB-R is the most influential and best-known "test" for diagnosing BPD.

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结果研究证实,12例中有主胰管型3例和分支胰管型9例。Results The study demonstrated that there were 3 MPD type and 9 BPD type in 12 patients.

研究对象取自10年缓解与康复研究结果中的BPD患者。Those were among the findings of a 10-year study of remission and recovery in BPD patients.

BPD的症状也会影响精力集中,让工作表现变差。Symptoms of BPD can also interfere with concentration, which can lead to poor work performance.

研究人员同时表示,BPD的治疗手段已经有了一定的发展,心理医师通过加大和患者交流的力度,取得更好的治疗效果。Treatments for BPD have improved as has the training of therapists in working with these patients.

研究人员发现,当一个患有BPD的病人扮演受托管理人时,合作就会破裂。The researchers found that cooperation broke down when a person with BPD played the role of trustee.

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IEA表示,预计2009年OPEC原油日产量是2,820万桶,比上年减少260万桶.The call for OPEC crude in 2009 was 28.2 million bpd, the IEA said, 2.6 million bpd less than last year.

本周稍早一位海湾国家官员曾称,沙特已经准备好在6月将日均产量上调到950-970万桶.Earlier in the week a Gulf official said Saudi was already raising output in June to 9.5-9.7 million bpd.

一方面,一想到BPD患者似判了无期徒刑,我们情愿避免治疗事实上可以得救的患者。On the one hand, when we thought that BPD was a life sentence, we avoided treating patients who can in fact be helped.

伊拉克计划在6月将每日"出货量"上调至少12.5万桶,市场对此亦充耳不闻.The market also dismissed higher export goals for Iraq, which aims to raise shipments by at least 125,000 bpd in June.

不同于传统的反褶积方法,BPD使用L1范数约束模型的反射率来增加了稀疏性。Unlike conventional deconvolution methods, the BPD uses an L1 norm constraint on model reflectivity to impose sparsity.

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我们报告此个案并显示其在社会文化因子、精神病理、及治疗的相关性。Here we report a case of BPD which illustrates the interactions among sociocultural factors, psychopathology, and treatment.

用苯并卟啉衍生物治疗能敏化靶细胞或组织,因为这些细胞不能轻易地从辐射中复苏。The therapy using BPD can sensitize the target cells or tissue, since these cells can not easily recovery from the radiation.

埃萨石油公司计划扩大炼油能力。今年将把瓦迪纳炼油厂的炼油能力提高到每天40.5万桶。Essar plans to expand its refining capacity and will raise the capacity of its giant Vadinar refinery to 405,000 bpd this year.

采用粘合剂BPD及柔软剂SPD能使产品各项色牢度达到国家标准。特别是手感柔软性取得了较佳的效果。The State std. for colour fastness was satisfied and excellent soft-hand obtained by the use of Adhesive BPD plus Softener SPD.

“这项研究表明虽然BPD决非不可治愈,但是许多患者多年来一直功能低下,”Paris称。“The study suggests that while BPD is by no means incurable, many patients continue to function at a low level for years, ” Paris said.

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路透数据显示,受制于产量目标的11个OPEC成员国11月的原油日产量料比2,484万桶的目标多出168万桶.The 11 members subject to output targets in November pumped 1.68 million bpd more than their target of 24.84 million bpd according to Reuters data.

未来心理医师还应在帮助病人恢复各项机能方面作出努力。But future therapies should be devoted to helping people with BPD address functional impairment as they recover from their symptoms, the authors wrote.

前两个阶段的法尔巴格已在2003年和2005年开始运作,分别与现有的大约60,000万桶联合生产。The first two stages of Firebag have been in operation since 2003 and 2005, respectively, with current combined production of approximately 60,000 bpd.