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卡农加上对位。Canon plus counterpoint.

这张照片跑焦如此严重!How canon this photo is!

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所以它没有在确定正典书目。So it didn't set the canon.

看看穆拉多利经目。Look at the Muratorian Canon.

这是圣经的真经。This is the canon of Scripture.

佳能是我们的畅销货之一。Canon is one of our best sellers, too.

科氏的剑是存储在经典。KMC's sword is stored within the canon.

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为什么新教正典会是现在这样?Why is the Protestant canon like it is?

有些议会确实想确定正典书目。So some councils did try to set the canon.

看看最终的正典书目有什么。Notice what the canon list eventually have.

我们把佳能公司的经营哲学称之为kyosei。The corporate philosophy of Canon is kyosei.

希腊语正典书目还有马卡比四书。And the Greek canon also accepts 4 Maccabees.

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创造是伊瑟尔追寻的标准。Innovation is what Iser's canon is looking for.

是的,我必须用三脚架支撑我的佳能小钢炮。Oh yes, I have to use a tripod to rest my Canon on.

悦耳的音符,交响曲,和一个没有卡农D调的生活。A melody, a symphony, a life without our Canon in D.

它的一种最初的急务就是编订一本确定的圣典。One of its first tasks was to outline a fixed canon.

所以这可能是一张非常早的正典书目。So notice that this could be a very early canon list.

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德语藏经、有些经卷尚未翻译。Some Pali Canon books available in German translation.

为什么犹大福音没有进入圣典?Why did the Gospel of Judas not make it into the canon?

所以圣公会更为遵循罗马天主教圣经。So Anglicans follow the Roman Catholic canon a bit more.