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缺乏角度是很糟糕的。Lack of angulation is objectionable.

飞节太多角度高达太少故障。Too much angulation at the hocks is as faulty as too little.

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后躯的角度要和前驱的角度平衡。The hindquarter angulation balances that of the forequarters.

后躯角度应与前躯平衡。Angulation of hindquarters should be in balance with forequarters.

后半部骨量充足,肌肉发达,有合适的角度。The hindquarters are well boned and muscular with good angulation.

前躯与后躯的角度非常和谐。Angulation of the forequarters and hindquarters should be balanced.

后腿和臀部与后躯成恰当的角度。The angulation of the hindquarters balances that of the forequarters.

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强健有力,带有适当的角度和强健的低位驸关节。Powerful, muscular with moderate angulation and strong lower-set hocks.

肋骨曲率良好,身,向后很好的伸展到短短的腰部。There is sufficient angulation so that, in stance, the hocks extend beyond the tail.

拥有的正确比例和角度,从而达到犬只的静态平衡。A dog with the correct proportions and angulation can thereby achieve static balance.

骨盆与大腿骨的角度同肩胛骨与上臂骨的角度协调。The angulation of the pelvis and femur corresponds to that of the shoulder and upper arm.

从旁边看,飞节关节连结成一个的稳健角度。This produces a moderate degree of angulation in the hock joint, when viewed from the side.

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在屈伸活动过程中的20个时间点记录其角度和移位情况。Angulation and translation were recorded at 20 time points during the extension-flexion arc.

前后肢的角度协调,有足够的角度,可以提供充分的前躯伸展性和后躯驱动力。Angulation front and rear must be balanced and adequate to give forward reach and rear drive.

自然向上,有强壮的肌肉和骨骼,与后侧部角度相当。Well laid back, muscular, strongly boned, with moderate angulation to match the rear angulation.

掌侧成角的骨折长期以来是使用掌侧支持钢板作为标准治疗。The volar buttress plate has long been established as the standard treatment for fractures with volar angulation.

目的从应用解剖的角度研究尺、桡骨成角畸形对前臂旋转功能的影响,阐明骨间膜对前臂旋转功能的重要性。Objective To study the forearm angulation deformities and observe its influence on the rotation function of the forearm.

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手术后立即拍片检查骨折复位情况,在冠状面和矢状面平面判定成角情况。Fracture reduction was examined on immediate postoperative films to determine angulation in the coronal and sagittal planes.

目的探讨肩胛盂移位及成角在肩胛颈骨折治疗中的意义。Objective To explore significances of displacement and angulation of the glenoid in treatment of the scapular neck fracture.

内固定取出后,不会引起伤部脊柱成角加重和伤椎高度丢失。After withdrawal of the internal fixation, no severe angulation and height lost of the fractured vertebra body will be found.