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他十四岁了。He’s fourteen.

五加九等于十四。Five plus nine is fourteen.

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十四或者一万四。Fourteen or fourteen thousand.

14可被7和2除尽。Fourteen contains seven and two.

多少恒星?他们是十四个。How many stars?There are fourteen.

我在洛杉矶住了十四年。I've lived in LA for fourteen years.

——年龄加在一起,一百一十四。Combined age, one hundred and fourteen.

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写这首诗花了我十四年This poem took fourteen years to write–

当天的宴会妙不可言,席上一共有十四个人。It was a lovely dinner-party of fourteen.

而免租期为十四天。And the rent-free period is fourteen days.

全部的十四颗糖果都有不同的形状。All fourteen candies have different shapes.

伤口缝了14针。The wound was closed with fourteen stitches.

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每一件运来的时候长达14米。Each piece came in a length of fourteen metres.

我有份纽约时报,同十四角钱。I have the "New York Times", and fourteen dimes.

一只海鸥达到了时速二百一十四英里!A seagull at two hundred fourteen miles per hour!

毕利十四岁,在上九年级。正在加载用户记忆法…Billy is fourteen years old and in the ninth grade.

我们十四个人并不都飞往唐克斯的父母家。Fourteen of us won't be flying to Tonks's parents'.

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14岁时,我拜一个建筑工人为师当学徒。I was apprenticed to a builder when I was fourteen.

凯特有十三本书。高魏有十四本书。Kate has thirteen books. Gao Wei has fourteen books.

今年的十四名毕业生传承了衣钵。This year’s fourteen graduates kept the flag flying.