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抑或是想给其套上“紧身衣”?Or is he trussing her up in a golden straitjacket?

州警们只好给他束缚固定在担架上,抬走了。He was carried away in a straitjacket strapped to a stretcher.

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其中一项是在他倒吊于某栋建筑之际,要一边挣脱身上穿的束衣。One was escaping from a straitjacket while hanging upside down from a building.

大概你会感到失去活力、瘫痪,似乎你穿上了铅制的紧身衣。You'll probably feel enervated, paralyzed, as though you've donned a lead straitjacket.

首先,我们要打破里根时代关于税收和监管的老观念。First, we must break out of the Reagan-era straitjacket concerning taxes and regulation.

法律一旦制定便难以变更,并可能将监管当局置于桎梏之中。Legislation once adopted is difficult to change, and can squeeze a regulatory agency into a straitjacket.

然而,这次危机真正显示的是束缚在政策锁链上的危险。What the crisis really demonstrates, however, is the dangers of putting yourself in a policy straitjacket.

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重新采取严格的现收现付规则,势必会给民主党带来财政上的束缚,这比许多人想的还要严重。Strictly re-adopted, PAYGO rules would force the Democrats into a far tighter fiscal straitjacket than many realise.

这人神经有点问题,他过去曾穿着紧身衣在贝尔维那边乱逛,还在蹲监狱的时候把牢房里的床垫给烧了。He was jittery and sometime in the past he'd been in a straitjacket in Belle- vue, also had burned a mattress in a jail cell.

为了避免全国工资率的约束,许多城市的雇主不以金钱的形式付给工人报酬。In order to circumvent the straitjacket of national wage rates, employers in many cities offer non-pecuniary rewards to their workers.

新的监管倾向不但减缓全球经济增长,还预示着创新将被禁锢在官僚主义的呵护这件紧身衣之中。The new regulatory tilt threatens to tie up innovation in a straitjacket of bureaucratic nannying while slowing the global economy, they say.

石门关景段,秀峰林立,壁立金刚,群山巍巍,林海苍茫,好一幅壮美的山水画卷。Commissioner King of the Shihmen, Xiufeng buildings stand straitjacket , Towering mountains, Linhai featured a magnificent landscapes good vol.

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然而,这些国家现在对欧元的这种约束感到担忧,一旦加入这一货币联盟,这些国家在努力实现经济恢复的同时还有背上出现问题的欧洲经济体的包袱。But these countries now worry about the straitjacket that being in a currency union has put on troubled European economies as they push to recover.

一种道义上的力量。共同的文化,指定我们可以愿望和我们如何才能实现这些目标。取代生物束缚。A moral force. a shared culture that specifies what we can desire and how we can attain those goals. takes the place of the biological straitjacket.

这张由直接或者间接的操纵组成的网,就是束缚生活的一件紧身衣,约束了生活本来可以呈现和构建自身的方式。The web of direct and indirect manipulation is a straitjacket that binds life and necessarily limits the ways it can appear to itself and structure itself.

气候变化政策可以与发展联系起来,从而赢得发展中国家对低碳经济增长的支持——但作为一项约束性措施强加于人就行不通。Climate change policy can be linked to development and win support from developing countries for low carbon growth – but not if it is imposed as a straitjacket.

最终,在观众的赞叹声中,迪安成功挣脱身上的束缚,安全回到地面。Dean carried out tricks by breaking out of a straitjacket while dangling hundred of meters above the ground and successfully achieved it with admiration of audience.

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孙悟空虽然有降龙伏虎的本领,但是它还是有它害怕的东西,做人也应该有紧箍咒制约,这样我们才能慢慢成长起来的。Although Sun Wukong have jianglongfuhu ability, but it still has it is afraid of something, a man should also be a straitjacket control, so that we can grow up slowly.

这样的机制是为了使白厅可以更好的打击地方贪污而设计,然而却导致了伦敦警察署受的管制太大,权力处处受限。This set-up, created to give more power to Whitehall to fight local corruption, has resulted in top-heavy governance that confines police forces in a straitjacket devised in London.

无论我们是想从正文的阅读过程中,或是从读者与作品的联系中确定文本的含义—无论个人有何种的喜好,我们都不应拘泥于形式。Whether we locate meaning in the text, in the act of reading, or in some collaboration between reader and text—whatever our predilection, let us not generate from it a straitjacket.