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在他爱抚的同时。" while he was caressing them.

由于有我在毁灭中爱抚着你。For in deduringh i'm caressing u.

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甜胤蜜的英语和亲切的法语。Cajoling English and caressing French.

春风和畅。The spring wind is gentle and caressing.

我们爱抚着,昏睡着,你的手caressing and dozing, your hand sleepily

有时候,我们甚至都不知道是谁在爱抚谁。Sometimes we didn't even know who was caressing whom.

六月的风特别的轻柔,让我们看云去。In the caressing wind of June, let us go watching the clouds.

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把你那如瀑的长发轻轻撩动,为你唱一曲风的恋歌。Caressing your cascading long hair, singing a love song in the wind.

看那两个年轻人在那里又搂又吻的真让人看不下去。The two young guys? caressing and spooning there are plain an eye-sore.

他默默地面对着黄河站着,风拂着他裸着的前胸。He stood silently facing the Yellow River, the wind caressing his bare chest.

舌头被这酒轻抚著,平衡得来并带著长长的烟丝馀韵。Very caressing in the mouth, balanced and ends with a long aftertaste of tobacco smokiness.

最新的电视广告展示了一位妇女是如何爱抚加了手洗剂的餐巾纸。Its latest television advertisements show a woman caressing tissue infused with hand lotion.

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她走上台阶,一路抚摩着那些损坏的白栏杆,然后推开前门,大厅阴暗而寒冷,像个地下墓穴似的。She went up the steps, caressing the broken white banisters, and pushed open the front door.

此酒带有黑醋栗、甘草及轻微的香草味,紧随而来的则是浓郁丝绸般的口感。Aromas of currant, licorice and light vanilla follow through to a full, silky palate. Caressing.

温暖多沙的水流抚着他的肉体滑过,朝着他的身体指着的方向继续向前。The warm, sandy water flowed past, caressing his body, following the direction pointed out by it.

我们对他这次旅行的化费多少并不关心,但奥巴马爱抚长毛绒机器人的视频是无价之宝。We don't care how much the trip cost — video of Obama caressing plush robotic seals is priceless.

他睁开眼睛一看﹐惊喜地发现莲香坐在他身边的床上用手轻摸著他的面孔。Opening his eyes, he was overjoyed to find Lian-xiang sitting beside him on the bed, caressing him.

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爱开始爱抚早矢香的脸,说她还想要做的事情时,他们开始回程。Ai starts caressing Sayaka's face, saying she still wants to do the things they started way back when.

他用左手抚摸着右手,右手看上去像是戴着一只银亮的白手套。His left hand was caressing his right, which looked as though it was encased in a bright silver glove.

恶啊,姐一直以为那是个美人痣,又摸又亲了2年啊。I have been caressing and kissing that thing for almost 2 years because I thought it was a beauty mark.