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我没发现这个故事很有趣。I don't this stroy.

这是一个多么有趣的故事。How interesting a stroy it is . !

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我怀疑但是故事是真的。I doubt it, but the stroy is true.

营救新闻要有开头、中间、结尾。The rescue stroy has a beginning, middle, and end.

这个故事类似于我们的人生旅程。The above stroy is similar with the journey of our life.

你好啊,今天借着这个搏客,我终于有机会写下我们之间的故事。Ming, Today , I borrow this blog, writing my stroy in here.

孩子们一字不漏地专心听故事。The children were following every word of the stroy intently.

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挖…这个说起来就是一匹布那么长了。多听多录多吹,就是了。It will have a long stroy to demonstrate. However, try to listen, play and record more.

话本小说叙事主要靠讲述,文言小说主要靠展示。Text stroy depends mainly on narration, and story in classical Chinese depends on display.

故事继续说,上帝是以自己的形象来创造男人的,不过这个说法并没有足够的论据支持。The stroy goes on to say that god created man in his own image. but there's not much proof of that.

我头一回听到这个故事是在印度,那儿的人今天讲起来仍好象确有其事似的——尽管任何一位博学家都知这不可能是真的。The first time I heard the stroy in India. Residents there told it as if it was true though no pandit would think so.