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鹿皮鞋已经成了湿透的碎片。The moccasins were in soggy shreds.

你要让他保持潮湿但是不浸在水里。You want to keep it moist but not soggy.

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湿乎乎的三明治会让你午后昏昏欲睡。Soggy sandwiches create lethargic afternoons.

不要把变软的生菜扔进垃圾箱。Don't toss that soggy lettuce into the garbage.

一位真正的朋友从你的泪滴让肩湿透。A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.

要是你把蔬菜煮得太久,菜就糊了。If you boil the vegetables too long, they'll go soggy.

妈妈,在水下美人鱼的面包会不会泡湿?D'you think mermaids' bread gets soggy underwater, Mum?

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昨晚一定是下雨了,草地上湿乎乎的。It must have rained last night, the grass is really soggy.

水要浇透浇深,但要避免土壤积水。Water it thoroughly and deeply, but avoid keeping the soil soggy.

他站起来,顺着小溪趟过去,靴子很快就湿透了。He got up and waded downstream, his boots quickly soggy with water.

如果三明治里的肉水分过高的话,肉外面的面包就可能会变得很湿。If the water activity of the meat is too high you might get soggy bread.

我们知道,半生不熟的牛肉味道美,但半生不熟的鸡肉就像在嚼湿透的靴子。Rare beef is wonderful, but rare chicken is like chewing on soggy boots.

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用那种挤的芥末酱和蛋黄酱,这样面包就不会变得湿湿的了。Use squeeze bottles for the mustard and mayo so the bread does not get soggy.

洞里咕咕咚咚响了几声后又恢复寂静。但愿这是永恒的寂静!There were a few soggy thumps and then silence – a silence I hoped would be eternal.

既然这里已经不会再有我沉闷的脚步声了,这片沉寂就更加显得讽刺。Now that there was no longer the sound of my soggy footsteps, the silence was piercing.

沼泽或者可能变成沼泽的地区、以及雨季容易浸水的地区都应当避免。Marshes or areas likely to become marshy or soggy during the rainy season should be avoided.

而且,保水蛙会钻入浸水的土壤深达三英尺以上。Then, the water-holding frog burrows into the soggy earth to a depth of more than three feet!

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后来他用涂上石蜡的马尼拉纸代替了普通纸,这样吸管就不会被弄湿。Then he replaced the paper with paraffin-coated Manila paper so that straws do not become soggy.

适应于湿透的土壤,这物种经验在塘地是填满的或者转向地下水。Adapted to soggy soils, the species suffers where wetlands are filled or groundwater is diverted.

的确,自1922年以来,只有七届的温网比赛没有受到雨水的困扰。Indeed, since 1922, only seven tournaments have not been interrupted by England's soggy summer weather.