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因此,他们提出一个黑暗的甲壳。Therefore, they present a dark carapace.

这种傲慢态度成了他的保护壳。The arrogance became his protective carapace.

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说着,乌龟边把头缩进它的壳子里了。He said and pulled his head into his carapace.

小型淡水甲壳动物,长有盾牌状甲壳。Small freshwater crustaceans with a shield-shaped carapace.

他坚固的外壳下跳动的是一颗冷血的杀手之心。Within the hardened carapace beats the heart of a remorseless killer.

也许他很贤明的,但他的一生注定被锁在自己的甲壳里。He may be wise but he has to be locked up in his carapace until he dies.

幼体背甲上的龙骨棘突十分明显,但是成体的背甲十分圆滑。Juveniles have a strongly keeled carapace but they're smooth & oval as adults.

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外壳为圆形或椭圆、底部带螺栓的电容器均可测试。Capacitors with round or ellipse carapace and bolt under bottom can all be tested.

有个甲壳是件很好的事情,这东西可以使我从多次险情中生存下来。It is good to to have a carapace. This has enabled me to survive a lot of dangers.

背甲黑色,但是甲片边缘颜色偏浅,呈红或橘红色,看起来像是修剪过一般。The carapace is black but the anterior scute margins are lighter, giving a trimmed effect.

无论事情变得怎样都要坚守信念。对我而言比起那个魔法果子,我更坚信我那个坚硬个壳子。Believe whatever it may be. I believe in this impregnable carapace of mine more than a magic fruit.

本文对梭子蟹壳综合利用的一种途径与相关内容进行了研究。This paper studied one way and the related content of comprehensive utilization of the portunid carapace.

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用生鸡蛋壳内的白色薄膜贴在鼻子上去黑头,会不会让毛孔变大?Stick in nose to go up with the white film inside unripe egg carapace black head, can you let pore greaten ?

雄龟会开始咬雌龟背甲的前缘,然后摇动它,或是轻轻咬住雌龟的前肢。The male will start to bite the front edge of the female's carapace and shake her, or gently nip at her forelimbs.

异脚类,端足目动物异脚类的一种小甲壳纲动物,如滨海的水蚤,体。A small crustacean of the order Amphipoda, such as the beach flea, having a laterally compressed body with no carapace.

作为球屋外壳的玻璃嵌板正在吊装进入外形独特的钢筋支架里。The glass panels that make up the carapace of the spheres were being lowered onto steel supports in eye-catching shapes.

但官僚主义,却借国家的壳子,漫山遍野雄壮起来。But bureaucratism , the carapace that lends a country however child, all over the mountains and plains rises magnificently.

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全中国这样的壳网站成千上万,他们为视频网站的繁荣带来了最真实的流量。Such complete China carapace website by tens of thousands, they brought the realest flow for the prosperity of video website.

这些特质依然存在,但只有那些能够撕开蒙娜丽莎身上那层厚重的,用常规构制的外壳的人才能看见。Those qualities are still there, visible only to those who can tear away the carapace of convention that encrusts the Mona Lisa.

昆虫的身体的线条要跟随着花的线条,然而它的甲壳和一条腿的尖刺的细节是锋利无比的。The lines of its body follow the lines of the flower, while the detail of his carapace and the spikes on one leg are razor sharp.