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这是一个积极正面的团队!This is a positive, frontage group! ! !

这家商店紧靠着两条热闹的街道。The shop has frontage on 2 busy streets.

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庭院正前方朝着县道开放。The frontage was open for the prefectural road.

我想租一间门面房,开一个小餐馆。I want to rent a house with street frontage , and open a restaurant.

沿毗邻鸿图道行人路的臨街地界。It lies along the frontage adjoining to the pavement at Hung To Road.

此外,丽思卡尔顿的后面就是车流熙攘的70号州际高速公路。Then again, the Ritz backs onto the frontage road of busy Interstate-70.

人们对他们的认知与观点又是否全面与正面?People to their cognition and viewpoint whether comprehensive and frontage ?

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在剧中这些生动形象,为当今人们提供了正面学习的榜样。In the play these vivid images, to the people have provided frontage study example now.

松花江肇源江段是松花江干流水质监测的前哨。Zhaoyuan section is the frontage of monitoring water quality of Songhua River main stream.

将光学传感器与红外传感器进行信息融合以识别道路前方车辆。The information of optical sensor and infrared sensor was fused to identify vehicles on road frontage.

所以从长远看,国际关系动因的正面影响将起主导作用。Therefore in the long run, the international relation agent frontage influence will get up the leading role.

世界绝大部分国家,都从正面来解读“神七”的升空和中国的太空探索。The world major part country, explains "the god from frontage seven" the lift-off with China's Space Exploration.

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仙峰洲则因河道左淤右冲而并于左岸成为边滩。Because of the river's left depositing and right scouring, the Xianfenzhou merged to the left bank becoming frontage.

1842年,这座房子已经风雨飘摇了,但获得同意去建楼厅并把它的正面重新粉刷。In 1842 the house was already tree-stored and there was given a nod to build a balcony and to re-plaster the frontage.

现有的百货大楼有一个狭长的正立面和纵深很长的平面,内部被几个圆形的中庭打断。The existing department store building featured a narrow frontage and deep plan punctuated by several circular atriums.

正面影响使我们的环境更好,而负面影响必须引起我们高度的重视。The frontage influence causes our environment to be better, but the negative influence must bring to our high attention.

这和你师的组成有关,一个师含有越多的旅就意味着它占用越宽的空间。Well this depends on the unit composition of the division, the more brigades a division has the more frontage it will take up.

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金兰湾银色的沙滩和原始的蓝色水域闻名于世,并拥有550米长的海滩。It is well-known for its white sandy beaches and pristine turquoise waters. The site features an extensive beach frontage of 550 meters.

前广场绿地也同样为由室内延伸至室外的底层零售商品和餐饮部门提供了令人舒适的微气候。The green frontage also creates a comfortable micro-climate for the retail and F&B outlets at the ground level extending the indoors to the outdoors.

拉拉觉得自己挺聪明,找个由头从大写字台的正面转到侧面,好避开口臭的袭击。Lala think herself a intelligent girl and find a excuse walk away from the frontage of big desk to profile so as to avoid the attraction of badly smell.