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的蛇纹石湖岸是128公里长。The serpentine lakeshore is 128km long.

蜿蜒河的一段划为游泳区。One part of the Serpentine is kept for swimmers.

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这是一条蜿蜒的路穿过乌拉尔山。This is a serpentine road going through the Urals.

栈道插云弯弯曲曲上剑阁,风刮起黄尘格外萧索。A serpentine plank path led to cloud-capped Sword Gate.

车行收取你一两百块的蛇形皮带在那里?需不需要更换?。Where is Serpentine Belt Located?Is It Necessary to Replace?

他向我展示了另一幅将在蛇厅展出的作品。He shows me another piece that will appear at the Serpentine.

有的地方出现透闪石板条及蛇纹石。Tremolite laths and serpentine minerals are present in places.

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小山谷底下,蜿蜒着一条灰而静的河。Below in the little valley the still gray serpentine of a river.

唯一一条穿过伦敦中心的河。The only river goes right through the centre of London, the Serpentine.

蛇纹石经活化再生后可反复循环使用。The serpentine could be used repeatedly by activation and regeneration.

而所谓的“岫玉”,是我国对“蛇纹石质玉石”的总称。And the so-called" jade", is our country on the" serpentine stone jade".

多回旋的单一多凸棱平带传动系统是一种典型的蛇行蜿蜒带传动系统。Muilt-whirl belt drive system is a typical serpentine belt drives system.

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在伦敦,圣诞期间,游泳爱好者们无畏严寒,在九曲湖中畅游。In London, swimmers take the plunge in the Serpentine lake, on Christmas day.

大理石主要由方解石、石灰石、蛇纹石和白云石组成。Marble basically is comprised by calcite, limestone, serpentine and dolomite.

蛇炮炮管修长,酷似巨蛇,故由此得名。The serpentine is so named, because its long slender barrel resembles a snake.

本文还利用模型进行了管带式蒸发器性能的研究。Finally the model was used to analyze the performance of serpentine evaporator.

高椅背紧接着下弯型靠手加上实木微斜椅脚,为沙发加添一份谐和与温馨。The high back glide into a slightly serpentine arm, and tapered wooden feet add warmth.

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汉密尔顿递给我一些新作品的彩色拷贝,它们将在蛇厅展出。Hamilton hands me a colour copy of a piece of new work that will hang at the Serpentine.

蛇形画廊2013年的展馆是日本建筑师藤本壮介设计的。The Serpentine Gallery Pavilion for 2013 was designed by Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto.

本文主要探讨了蛇纹石资源化利用的可行性技术经济方案。This paper examines the feasibility techno-economy project of the recovery of serpentine.