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格外的成功。Extraordinarily successful.

我非常感激他们。I am extraordinarily grateful.

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喂,唐太斯,喂,美丽的姑娘!She is an extraordinarily beautiful girl.

象的鼻子特别的长!An elephant's nose is extraordinarily long!

那时候鞋匠是一个极端激进的行业Shoemakers were an extraordinarily radical trade.

雨后初晴的天空特别明朗。The sky was extraordinarily clear after the rain.

这极其荒谬。It's extraordinarily and wonderfully inappropriate.

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这种塞特种猎犬能异常准确地以头指向山鸡所在的地点。This setter can point pheasant extraordinarily well.

小男孩死了,这是一首很震撼人的诗歌。And the boy dies. It's an extraordinarily powerful poem.

尽管如此,克劳斯一直非常成功。Despite that, Klaus has been extraordinarily successful.

所以这是个极端复杂的运算器So, it's an extraordinarily complicated computing device.

表情丰富的脸上,眼睛亮的不寻常。On his expressive face, his eyes are extraordinarily bright.

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看起来你可能闪电结婚。You look like you might get married extraordinarily as well.

然而,这些成就的分布是极不平衡的。But the distribution of these gains is extraordinarily unequal.

就像看起来的那样简单,这是一种超强的工具。As simple as it seems, this is an extraordinarily powerful tool.

她那用软木炭画的胡子和眉毛对她非常相称。Her moustaches and eyebrows were extraordinarily becoming to her.

而这些都是由各种各样,非常有趣的原因造成的And these are extraordinarily interesting for all sorts of reasons.

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只要最后能随我所愿,我就会极有耐心。I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end.

这组作者指出,鼠疫适应能力极其强大。The authors point out that the plague is extraordinarily adaptable.

小徐说,好在她的妈妈对她非常好。To compensate, she says, her mother is extraordinarily nice to her.