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哈罗德。邓洛普?The Harold Dunlop?

我给Dunlop女士写电子邮件咨询使用酒的意图。I e-mailed Ms. Dunlop to ask the intended purpose of the wine.

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杰克接到一个数据服务部打来的电话,从邓洛普的其中一个枪手身上采集到的指纹在数据库中找到没有匹配的。Jack receives a call from data services that the fingerprint of one of the shooters at Dunlop Plaza has no match.

早上好,邓洛普女士。我叫万斯·弗雷蒙,华尔克医疗服务公司的客户联络员。Good morning, Ms. Dunlop. My name's Vance Fremont. I'm the customer relations officer for Walker Medical Services.

杰克和沃尔什从邓洛普广场车库逃了出来,但是,就在他们向门前的斜坡行进时,枪声响起,沃尔什被击中了。Jack and Walsh exit through the Dunlop building's garage, but as they head up the ramp, shots ring out and hit Walsh.

杰克和沃尔什从邓洛普广场车库逃了出来,但是,就在他们向门前的斜坡行进时,枪声响起,沃尔什被击中了。Jack and Walsh exit through the Dunlop building’s garage, but as they head up the ramp, shots ring out and hit Walsh.

扶霞揣度,某天脚夫给了陈麻婆一些油,让她做些豆腐吃。Dunlop speculates that one day the porters gave Chen Mapo some oil and requested that she make them something with bean curd.

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大多数做母亲的肯定会立即跳进池中把孩子救上来,辛迪·邓洛普却做不到。Most mothers would have simply jumped into the pool and pulled their child to safety. But Cindy Dunlop was not like most mothers.

外国人经常会因为麻婆豆腐的油腻而不敢尝试,但是扶霞说,这是必须有油才能好吃的菜肴,因此用油必须要大。Foreigners are often put off by mapo dofu's characteristic slick of oil, but Ms. Dunlop says, 'It was an oil carrier's dish, so it should be oily.'

四川以其川菜的辣闻名于世,正因如此,这里的食物不仅是中国最好的之一,也是世界最好的之一。Sichuan is renowned for its spicy cuisine. Rightly so, says Fuchsia Dunlop. The food is not just the best in China, it's among the best in the world.

这就使得邓洛普在国际大牌竞争对手中占据明显优势,使澳大利亚几代人都对这个品牌抱有好感。This gives Dunlop a significant advantage over larger international rivals, and has resulted in generations of Australians having favourable attitudes toward the brand.

在杜乐普先生在取得了他的产品设计学位毕业后,这项设计在每年的新设计者展览会上获得了一个奖项,他决定试着把它商业化。The design won an award at the annual New Designers Exhibition after Mr Dunlop Graduated from his product design degree and he decided to try to turn it into a business.

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“青春网球校园行”作为中国网球协会的官方大学网球发展项目,由梅赛德斯-奔驰、登路普以及网球俱乐部杂志赞助。"University Tennis Promotion", the official university development program of the China Tennis Association, is sponsored by Mercedes-Benz, Dunlop and Tennis Club Magazine.

美食作家扶霞在书中说,中国菜在本土也出现了不少新变化,而一些走在创新前列的欧洲餐厅也在无意中创造出不少融合欧洲风格的中式菜肴。Dunlop reports, Chinese food is evolving in new directions of its own, while pioneering European restaurants are offering possibly unintentional versions of Euro-fusion to Chinese diners.