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受托人对受益人负有信托义务。To the beneficiary the trustee owes a fiduciary duty.

插图显示从低到高的信托可见性。Illustration shows range if fiduciary visibility from low to high.

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受托人为了个人利益挪用金钱是不合法的。It is illegal for a fiduciary to misappropriate money for personal gain.

第二章是美国员工持股计划受托人的基本信义义务。The second chapter represents the basic fiduciary duties of the plan trustees.

请洽受托代理人为你追邮寄给他您详细说明。Please contact fiduciary agent for your claims by sending to him your Details Below.

第三章是面临要约收购时计划受托人的信义义务。The third chapter focuses the fiduciary duties of plan trustee in face of tender offer.

问题是,是否有投资银行家有一个受讬责任向他们的客户提供谘询意见。At issue is whether investment bankers have a fiduciary duty to the clients they advise.

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杨致远与费罗对全体股东负有最大的受托义务。Jerry Yang and Filo bear the greatest of all the shareholders the fiduciary obligations.

在第三章中,本文将围绕基金管理人所担负的信赖义务进行展开。In the Chapter Three, the fiduciary duty burdened by the fund manager would be analyzed deeply.

作为受托人的董事,应该帮助他们降低税金You should, in your fiduciary duties as a board member, be trying to help them lower their taxes.

保险公司的董事会讨论调整索赔过程的信托影响。The board rooms of insurance companies discuss the fiduciary impact of adjusting the claims process.

联合国和世行最近签订的一份受托原则协议将大大加快双方共同应对危机的速度。A new UN-World Bank Fiduciary Principles Accord will significantly speed up joint responses to crises.

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信托制度源自于英美法系的衡平法,是一种关于特定财产的信任关系。Derived from Anglo-American Equity, trust is a fiduciary relationship with respect to specific property.

正是这种特殊的信义关系,成为英美公司法上董事义务理论的基础。This special fiduciary relationship thus becomes the base of the theory on director's duty in common law.

该等承诺有可能引致利益冲突或导致他们违反有关董事的受信责任。Such commitments may give rise to conflicts of interest or result in a breach of the directors' fiduciary duties.

在现实操作中,员工持股计划持有的股份一般通过信托的方式交由信托机构进行管理,由此产生了计划受托人的信义义务问题。In practice, the shares of the plan are held in trust, which gives rise to the fiduciary duty of the plan trustee.

该基金指控贝尔斯登董事会违反受信责任,接受了摩根大通虚报的低价。Morgan on Monday, alleging that Bear's board breached its fiduciary duty by accepting a low-ball bid for the firm.

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为了减轻深海高压密封舱的重量,提出基于模糊可靠度的优化设计方法。Optimization design method based on fuzzy fiduciary level is proposed to reduce deepsea high pressure airtight cabin weight.

并对政府部门在代建制招投标中应进行的监管提出了建议。Meanwhile, the suggestions on supervision and management for government on the fiduciary duty institution bidding are persecuted.

再者,我们的企业文化以法律的形式认可这一目标并且七年级下英语语法这一目标作为对任何一个公司主管的信贷义务。Moreover, our corporate culture has sanctioned this objective by codifying it as a fiduciary obligation of any corporate executive.