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肘关节伸不直怎么办?Is ancon joint extended how to do continuously?

有网球肘病去哪家医院治好?Which hospital tennis ancon disease goes to curing?

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有治疗网球肘的好方法吗?都有什么症状啊?。Is there the good method that treats tennis ancon? What symptom to have?

请问上海地区哪里治疗网球肘效果较好?Is effect of ancon of tennis of cure of Shanghai area where excuse me better?

各位网友好请问谁知道网球肘有甚么好的治疗方法?。Is each netizen good who knows tennis ancon has the remedial method with good what excuse me?

转体过程中,弯曲的臂肘转动90度,头和身体的上半部则要转动180度。In turn process, bent arm ancon is rotational 90 degrees, on half of head and body want 180 degrees to turn.

伤员下肢骨折固定时,肢体要弯着呈屈肘状伸直捆绑。When fracture of the wounded lower limbs is secured, limbs wants curved move to show bend ancon unbend to bind.

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妈妈今年50多岁了,右肘关节疼而且有肿的现象是怎么回事啊?Mom this year many years old 50, does right ancon joint ache and how is there is swollen appearance to return a responsibility?

注重,肘关节不得下垂,前臂成“一”字形,挺胸抬头,配合深呼吸。Attention, ancon joint does not get prolapse, antebrachium is become " one " glyph, hold out a bosom to look up, cooperate deep breathing.

毛衣的袖口和肘关节处最轻易受到摩擦,时间一长,这些地方的毛线就会变细,甚至断掉。The cuff of sweater and ancon joint place are chafed the most easily, time grows, the wool of these places is met attenuate , broken even.

然后两臂沿着肩轴,两肘先向前平举,接着做向上、向后、向下绕环动作。Next two arms along humeral axis, two ancon are made the same score ahead first lift, do then up, backward, circle annulus movement downward.

我的右肘骨折了一个月了,现在夹板拆了,可还是不能完全伸直和弯曲,我该怎么尽快恢复?My right ancon fracture a month, splint was torn open now, still can be cannot complete unbend and bend, how should I restore as soon as possible?

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向内作圆周运动,先腕关节,后肘关节,最后两臂伸直再活动肩关节,各做4次。Make circular motion upcountry , first wrist, hind ancon is articulatory, finally reprise of two arms unbend the shoulder is articulatory, each are done 4 times.

慢慢呼气,同时在弯曲肘臂的带动下,扭转腰部、胸部、颈部和头部,扭转到你不需要费力就可以到达的程度。Slowly expiratory, drive in what curve ancon arm at the same time, turn round the waist, bosom, cervical with the head, turn round the level that you do not need to be able to arrive painfully.

说到底,作为商业银行的大管家,在触及到银行业整体利益的问题上,银监会的胳膊肘向里拐也十分正常。In the final analysis, as the majordomo of the commercial bank, in touch on the problem of banking whole interest, the arm ancon that silver-colored inspect meets to in abduct is very normal also.