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他的姿势那么难看。His gesture is so awful.

他现在就会为此感到懊悔了。He could now regret that gesture.

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阿克蒙德了抓的姿态。Archimonde made a grasping gesture.

她的姿势暗示了他们的暧昧关系。Her gesture suggested their liaison.

Rubaie做了最后一个仁慈的手势。Rubaie made a last gesture of mercy.

即便握手了,这也只是个无意义的姿态。Even if they do, the gesture will be empty.

姿态是叠句的支点。Gesture is the strong point of the refrain.

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她的拒绝只是故作姿态。Her refusal was merely a deliberate gesture.

这个手势模仿的是嘴巴的闭合。This gesture mimes the closing of the mouth.

我们打手势是因为它是我们语言的一部分。We gesture because it’s part of our lexicon.

另一种较常见的手势是招手。Another common gesture is that for beckoning.

他将花送给她以求好感。He sent her flowers as a propitiatory gesture.

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他做了一个很不屑的手势。“随你便。”He made a dismissive gesture. 'Suit yourself. '

日本人使用手势没有欧美人那样多。Japanese don't use as much gesture as Europeans.

新欢成了旧爱爱的没了姿态。Old love new love becomes not a gesture of love.

他做了个手势,猛然地制止了笑声。He cut off the laughing brusquely with a gesture.

奎尔普太太仅能大着胆子做出一种哀求的姿势。Mrs. Quilp dared only make a gesture of entreaty.

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奎尔普太太仅能大着胆子做出一种哀求的姿势。Mrs. Quilp durst only make a gesture of entreaty.

你会因这善意的姿态而受益颇多。You’ll both benefit from the gesture of goodwill.

狱吏此时用权杖做了个姿势。The grim beadle now made a gesture with his staff.