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浴着她的巴拿马月光。Neath her Panamanian moon.

在巴拿马警察逮捕他时,索菲亚和他儿子小林肯跑开了。As the Panamanian police capture him, Sofia and LJ run.

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在巴拿马的一个小岛上生存着多达74种蝙蝠!There is a small Panamanian island where there are seventy-four 74!

于其休闲时刻他喜欢收集巴拿马货币和兰花。In his free time he enjoys collecting Panamanian currency and orchids.

巴拿马的金色树蛙会向他们追求的树蛙挥动小小的前肢。Panamanian golden tree frogs wave their tiny hands to communicate their desires.

他也在谋求批准与哥伦比亚和与巴拿马的自由贸易协定。He is also pursuing passage of the Colombia and Panamanian Free Trade Agreements as well.

在华盛顿国家动物园,一些巴拿马金蛙保持活着。Back in Washington DC, at the National Zoo, some Panamanian golden frogs are being kept alive.

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这些生活在巴拿马海岸浅滩的星鱼,随着清澈的海潮涌上了岸。Feeding in shallows off the Panamanian coast, these starfish sailed ashore on the translucent tides.

巴拿马金蛙是大约110种小丑蛙中的一种,而这些蛙种中的许多正在灭绝。The Panamanian golden frog is one of about 110 species of harlequin frog , many of which are dying out.

随后他们就进入了巴拿马丛林,统计了数百株这种植物上的甲虫和毛虫。Then they headed into the Panamanian jungle to survey hundreds of these plants for beetles and caterpillars.

在通常值得信赖的巴拿马警局里还是有一些败类的,但事实就是如此。There were just a couple of bad apples in the normally trustworthy Panamanian police, but that's all it takes.

罗森博格从一位客户的巴拿马账户取了这笔钱,为的是掩盖他参与了策划。Rosenberg had drawn the money from the Panamanian account of a client, in order to conceal his hand in the scheme.

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德尔加多还表示,直升飞机上有一名巴拿马人幸存,目前在医院接受治疗,情况稳定。Only one person on the helicopter -- a Panamanian -- survived. He is in the hospital in stable condition, Delgado said.

在巴拿马雨林的蚂蚁能够激励未来高技术条件下的强大工具,并能承受骨折。Ants in the Panamanian rain forest could inspire high-tech tools of the future that are strong and can withstand fracture.

实际上,它是查尔斯五世西班牙第一人设想的一条捷径,是通过巴拿马丛林中,以纾缓难以穿越。In fact it was Charles V of Spain who first envisaged a shortcut through the Panamanian jungle to ease the difficult crossing.

林肯在大街上受到了袭击,但他反抗并射中了那个袭击者的前胸。在巴拿马警察逮捕他时,索菲亚和他儿子小林肯跑开了。is attacked on the street, but he manages to shoot the man in the chest. As the Panamanian police capture him, Sofia and LJ run.

这使罗斯福非常恼火,他纵恿巴拿马人民起来造反,脱离哥伦比亚政府。This greatly angered Roosevelt and he instigated the Panamanian people to rise up against the Colombian government for secession.

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这个蜂鸟的头部羽毛和这只巴拿马兰花的颜色如此相近,以至于花束经常在不经意间就不见了。A hummingbird's bill so nearly matches the color of this Panamanian orchid's pollen sac that the bundle is often borne away unnoticed.

林肯在大街上受到了袭击,但他反抗并射中了那个袭击者的前胸。在巴拿马警察逮捕他时,索菲亚和他儿子小林肯跑开了。Lincoln is attacked on the street, but he manages to shoot the man in the chest. As the Panamanian police capture him, Sofia and LJ run.

而且,由于智慧财产属于巴拿马的实验室,他们能够授权给制药公司,获得立即的营收。And because Panamanian labs developed the intellectual property, it is theirs to license to pharmaceutical companies for immediate profit.