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语言和谚语有何区别?What is the difference between langue and parole?

现在英语已经是官方认可的国际语言了。It is now officially considered as an international langue.

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语言是抽象的,言语是具体的,是因人而异的。Langue is abstract, parole specific to the speaking situation.

语言也是这样,根据索绪尔的理论。It is very much the same with language, or "langue" as Saussure calls it.

八皇后问题是各类语言程序设计中的较著名的题目。Eight queens chess problem is a famous theme in all kinds program design langue.

现代社会很多人要进行第二语言学习。The learning of the second langue is necessary to most people in the modern society.

并在加工中心的控制系统中用C语言实现。Agraph simulator was implement through C langue in control systems of machining center.

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绘画成为人类讲述语言之后,长时间以来一直是作为视觉记忆而存在。Since painting became a langue of human beings. It has been a kind of memory of visual.

它是思考,语言,感觉,运动的中枢系统。It is the processing center for thought , langue , memory, sensory information, and movement.

它是迟来的,正如语言迟于言语一样。It's something that comes in belatedly just as langue comes in belatedly with relation to speech.

那么到底什么是任务呢?是“传统教学法”中的语言练习吗?。Then what is called "task"?"Is it the same as the langue practice in the traditional methodology?

总之,综上所述,我认为语言的流失有一天真的会成真的。To sum up, because of the reasons mentioned above, I think the loss of local langue will really come true one day.

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由于近代工业社会的发展,在技术理性的束缚下,人类语言日益成为了功利指向的工具。Since modern industrial times, human langue has been becoming a utilitarianism tool subject to the technical senses.

艺术家惯用抽象的雕塑语言来探讨人与自然的联系,作品风格十分国际化。The artist is known for his abstract langue on sculpture and international art style to argue deeper on man-nature relationship.

艺术家惯用抽象的雕塑语言来探讨人与自然的联系,作品风格十分国际化。The author is known for his abstract langue on sculpture and international art style to argue deeper on man-nature relationship.

个人语言是一系列以一定时间顺序排列的,语言的可能的组合,而语言则是一个特定群体共享的“Parole is the unfolding in time of a set of possibilities given in space, that set of possibilities being what Saussure calls "langue."

记得我曾讲过,语言是一种在实际中起作用的存在体,因为我们所遇到的以任何书面形式编写的字符,都不能称之为语言的全部。Remember I said that language langue is a virtual entity because we could never actually encounter it written down in any codified form.

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前苏联学者巴赫金针对索绪尔的结构主义语言学,以言语为研究对象,提出了他的超语言学理论。Bakhtin, a scholar of former Soviet Union, proposes his theory of metalinguistics which takes parole instead of langue as its object of research.

语言差别系统中产生的价值是一个语境化关系即句段关系和联想关系构成的系统。The values which emanate from the system of differences in langue are a system of contextualizing relations, i. e. , syntagmatic and associative relations.

这种语言并不像美国手语,或加拿大魁北克手语那样成熟,尽管如此,这种语言依然拥有词,语法和语音It's not a full-blown language like american sign-language or langue des signes quebecoise but it's a language nonetheless, with words and syntax and phonology.